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Few questions

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 5:02 pm
by nuts4ever
This may come as dumb questtions buuuttttt....

In the gamebuino starter pack is only the colsole itself included? I always imagined it had button caps and colored screens but now i dont think it has any of those.

And please explain the yahoo[bot] and bing[bot] things. Im just kind of curious

Re: Few questions

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 6:48 pm
by Sorunome
nuts4ever wrote:This may come as dumb questtions buuuttttt....

In the gamebuino starter pack is only the colsole itself included? I always imagined it had button caps and colored screens but now i dont think it has any of those.

The starter pack includes the console, a micro SD card pre-loaded with games, a micro usb cable for charging, a portable pouch and a micro-sd to usb adapter to easily attach the sd card to your computer. That is, if that didn't change since I bought mine :P

You can purchase differently colord cases, button caps and a multiplayer cable seperately.

And please explain the yahoo[bot] and bing[bot] things. Im just kind of curious

That is if one of the said bots is currently crawling the website. Yahoo and Bing, both being search engines, have bots running around the internet visiting random websites and caching them, thus making them searchable. If one of those bots just visited the forums here recently they show up!