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Gamebuino and Sublime Text 2

PostPosted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 12:13 pm
by Jolly
Hey guys,
I installed arduino and the gamebuino libraries on my laptop and everything works just fine with the Arduino IDE.
But I dont like the IDE, so I was using Sublime Text for everything related to Arduino.

This was when I still had to copy the libraries to the Arduino path and alter the boards.txt.
But now with everything being in the Sketchbook I can't get it to work.
I can't select the Gamebuino as a board, even if I copy the hardware and libraries folder to the Arduino path.

Is anyone here using Sublime Text with the Stino plugin?
Or is the old installation guide still somewhere so I could try it that way again?

Re: Gamebuino and Sublime Text 2

PostPosted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 2:31 pm
by rodot
You shouldn't have to alter the boards.txt, just copy and paste the Gamebuino library to your Arduino Library folder (see the Getting Started guide).
I can't tell about Sublime Text though :(