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Re: Color display library

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 8:43 am
by Duhjoker
Ok so I figured I would try something different. So I concluded that getting the LCD to work with the teensy's GFX library would be best to start with then once I can compile it I can start adding all the Gamebuino bits.

Been slow going though. I went through 3 or 4 different tries and kept getting confused because I kept forgetting to make notations for the files stuff I changed. So yesterday I started over making notes and debugging as I tried to compile and I'm almost there.

Seems the teensy's GFX files include a file and folder called fontconvert.c that needed ft2build in order to compile. I spent a couple hours pouring over the LCD files and GFX files and could find no mention of an include to that file so I simply erased the file. From what I have read and been told it would have just caused more hours of frustration.

I think I just need to initialize some stuff and try again to compile. This has been the closest I've been so far. The lil green status bar went almost all the way to the end.

I know I said I would try to work on the hardware but I'm glad I picked the library instead.

Re: Color display library

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 4:46 am
by Duhjoker
Good news every one!!! I'm one step closer to a Gamebuino color library. I was able to finish up updating the screens GFX files to the teensy's and got my first compile of the new LCD library. Once I add a couple of functions from the display file I hope to start building it into the Gamebuino library.