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Re: BuinoPlayer

Wed Dec 31, 2014 9:24 pm

  • I added a System Status screen, which was copied and modified from Rodot's System Info screen in "UFO Race" (Not afraid to admit it, I'll get rid of it if you want, Rodot.)
  • I will worry about a file list later, but for now, I shall work on Music Control (Pause, Play, Back[That one's easy, I guess])
  • Need to get a Prettier Logo (you can submit your ideas, up to 64x30, but I'll work on one and see if you guys will like it)

Re: BuinoPlayer

Wed Dec 31, 2014 10:53 pm

I tried making a logo, and tried making a "splash" type thing like on the Nickelodeon logo (I think they changed it, but you know the 2000s one), but it looked like there's fuzz or something around it.
BPGBL.png (613 Bytes) Viewed 4900 times

Re: BuinoPlayer

Thu Jan 01, 2015 12:00 am

Yours is the Best so far, Quirby64.
Also, any Ideas for a different name are okay, too.

Anyone know how to implement volume?

Re: BuinoPlayer

Thu Jan 01, 2015 1:44 am

Gb.sound.setVolume = 5
if "SAMPLE.RAW", Gb.sound.getVolume
*insert command to play song here*

It doesn't have example code in the Reference section, but I think the command would work like this.

Re: BuinoPlayer

Thu Jan 01, 2015 4:16 am

Mock-Up of a Selection Screen:
SelectScreenBig.png (3.03 KiB) Viewed 4889 times

Volume control is currently being looked at.
EDIT: Please try out the Application. There's something strange about the way The Gamebuino handles sound.
(Check System Status, and press left or right)
The Number below Volume is the Variable to control Volume. It was supposed to be divided by four to make a decimal, which turns into the volume.
The Project will be updated within 5 minutes of posting this.

Re: BuinoPlayer

Thu Jan 01, 2015 7:04 am

Just updated again!
This one, I'll have to explain...
If you read the code for Myndale's SD Card Audio Streaming Demo, It loads the file using Setup() and plays it with loop().
Since I couldn't do that AND have a Menu, I blindly got rid of it.
But now, when SAMPLE.RAW is selected, It will call the play() (was setup() ) and then call check() (was loop() ) at the end.
It can be escaped by pressing C.

Re: BuinoPlayer

Thu Jan 01, 2015 11:50 am

Skyrunner65 wrote:If you read the code for Myndale's SD Card Audio Streaming Demo, It loads the file using Setup() and plays it with loop()

Just to clarify how my code works, the setup() function only loads the first BUFFER_SIZE bytes into buffers[0] so that the sound can start playing immediately. From that point on the loop() function repeatedly loads BUFFER_SIZE bytes into buffer[1] and then buffer[0]. It does this by simply polling the value of currentBuffer to detect when the buffers have been flipped.

The actual playing of the sound itself is done in the callback() function which is set up to be called in response to Timer1 according to the playback frequency. The Gamebuino library also uses this interrupt callback for its own audio playback, so any attempt to get my code working with the Gamebuino library will require that you disable the Gamebuino sound engine altogether so that the two don't interfere with each other.

Re: BuinoPlayer

Fri Jan 02, 2015 6:16 pm

I'm having a problem with making a selection screen...
Whenever I try to advance to the menu from the Title Screen, it freezes!
I'll make the Beta branch within 5 minutes of posting.

Re: BuinoPlayer

Fri Jan 02, 2015 10:08 pm

In had the same issue, could not solve it;
Please post your solution - if you find a solution;
My suspicion was the sound library from gamebuino, but even after uncommenting that files (and references) it freezes.

Re: BuinoPlayer

Wed Feb 04, 2015 2:49 pm

Skyrunner65 wrote:[attachment=1]
A README file will be added to help the user convert their .mp3 files to .RAW files.

Great idea!
Could you please elaborate on the raw file format? will it be compressed?
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