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Just One Idea - Dangerous Dave

Sun Aug 09, 2015 3:53 am

Hi Guy's.

I'm thinking about the possibility to make a port of Dangerous Dave (MSDOS) for the Gamebuino, because it's
a very funny Game, the sound's are very similar to the capacity of GameBuino audio(it's possible the port of original audio) and the "dynamic" of game is very simple too.

Using Camoto Studio I can get the tiles and levels of all Game (unfortunately this program don't have access to the audio of original game).
Kepping the same structure of original levels (10 tile x 100 tiles) we have around 1Kb per level(optimization is possible, some levels don't require all this size), considerating all ten levels of Game we have 10K only for the scenary.
is much easy to reproduce the original levels using any tile map Editor... And the animation of tiles is very simple to.


I can drop Here the PNG of all this tiles(~16x16)

Map's (all Ten Levels):


The problems:

* Sprites - Much more than resolution of gamebuino
I have made a test using some converted sprites and one simple engine that I did to test the Sprites
I implemented Collision, Jump, falling and "X" Scrolling Scenery to the test:

(similar engine than a plataform game, like maruino)

(I have no talent to work with sprites or animations :\
The walking animation is Horrible... XD)

I think the size of character is too large(9X16 and 13x15) for the screen of gamebuino, but I can't do it small
without distortion (or lose the characteristics of character).

* Final Size of project - I think the game will exceed 30Kb of Memory, only the tileMap of levels will take 50% of this, so it's no possible to do a loyal port without SD card Streeming or a High Optimized code (out of my knowledge for now)

So is it...
If someone has any idea how to do it... I will appreciate any Help... :lol:

Re: Just One Idea - Dangerous Dave

Sun Aug 09, 2015 9:38 am

its looking nice :D

Re: Just One Idea - Dangerous Dave

Mon Aug 10, 2015 3:34 am

EatMyBlitch wrote:its looking nice :D

hehe.... Thanks EatMyBlitch.

I have made some progress in the development of this "port" (reduce the character sprite for 12x8 and add the Y camera scrolling and the second level of original game), the result:


The HEX file -> ddp.hex

If someone can try it on Original Hardware and tell me about the experience (like or Don't like, need some adjust on jump or X/Y scrolling or other thing...??), I would really appreciate it (I don't Have a Gamebuino to do the test by Myself :\ )

The code of the game (with the two levels) has about 16K and I'm using the gb.display.tilemapDraw() and the collision routine that I quoted here -> viewtopic.php?f=12&t=3220&start=10
it make the code very simple to understand... XD

coming? add's :
- Score board
- More Levels
- Lives
- Textures for the blocks
- Enemy's
- Animated tiles
- the Gun
- the JetPack
- Hall of Fame
- Warp Zones(I really think it will exceed 30Kb.... :lol: )

Re: Just One Idea - Dangerous Dave

Mon Aug 10, 2015 4:59 am

I haven't tested it yet, but judging by the screenshot, you really should start scrolling the screen before the player reaches more than the screen center. That way you'll allow the player to see farther.

Re: Just One Idea - Dangerous Dave

Mon Aug 10, 2015 8:56 am

i will try it out on the Gamebuino.
So the ddp.hex file seems to be an application (Guraquina) instead of a hex file.
Gamebuino cant run that. But the things i have seen so far are looking good :lol:

Re: Just One Idea - Dangerous Dave

Mon Aug 10, 2015 3:48 pm

deeph wrote:I haven't tested it yet, but judging by the screenshot, you really should start scrolling the screen before the player reaches more than the screen center. That way you'll allow the player to see farther.

Thanks... I have add more 25 pixels to the Scrolling lenght to the right, when X position >= 35, but the Y scrolling will give me more work to adjust, because when I move the camera in Y Axis to fix it in the xtremes of tilemap (0 and -32) I lose the reference to the jump.... :?

EatMyBlitch wrote:i will try it out on the Gamebuino.
So the ddp.hex file seems to be an application (Guraquina) instead of a hex file.
Gamebuino cant run that. But the things i have seen so far are looking good :lol:

Sorry... XD
I think will be better put here the source code, so is possible compile it avoiding the problem's with the Hex file..... XD

Source Code ->ddp.rar

Re: Just One Idea - Dangerous Dave

Mon Aug 10, 2015 7:31 pm

it still is not a hex file, now it says carosente project, S L.
Oh could you please make the download link just immediately download the hex file instead of going to 4shared?
EDIT : Sorry if im missing something.

Re: Just One Idea - Dangerous Dave

Tue Aug 11, 2015 12:00 am

EatMyBlitch wrote:it still is not a hex file, now it says carosente project, S L.
Oh could you please make the download link just immediately download the hex file instead of going to 4shared?
EDIT : Sorry if im missing something.

The 4shared is my "default" upload service... But I forget the attachments... :mrgreen:

Try now please...
(16.56 KiB) Downloaded 620 times

Re: Just One Idea - Dangerous Dave

Wed Aug 12, 2015 8:50 am

ok i will test it now. :lol:
EDIT: yes finally i have every game.
i used to have the problem that some games where missing.
BTW it works like a charm. :lol:
and could you please remove the battery in the upper right corner?
and the C button does not make you go back to the menu.

Re: Just One Idea - Dangerous Dave

Thu Aug 13, 2015 3:35 am

EatMyBlitch wrote:ok i will test it now. :lol:
EDIT: yes finally i have every game.
i used to have the problem that some games where missing.
BTW it works like a charm. :lol:
and could you please remove the battery in the upper right corner?
and the C button does not make you go back to the menu.

Thanks for be my beta tester... I will remove the battery icon and add a menu function to the "C" button in the next compilation.
I'm trying to make the "core" of game first so some details will stay on the second plan (Score board, warp zones, animated tiles and textures), to my next step I plan the implementation of a jetpack, gun and enimies, but I think the some modify in the drawtilemap() will be necessary, because the drawtilemap() can't render one tilemap saved in the RAM memory and I don't intend write temporary modifications on the flash memory, so is necessary some kind of buff wich can be rendered by te drawtilemap(). May be creating one flag to sinalize when the tilemap come's from RAM or Flash will be possible to do it

So is it for now, any other sugestion I will be Happy to hear... :lol:
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