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SuperSpaceShooter a side scrolling shoot 'em up

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 2:04 pm
by msevilgenius
So a couple of days ago I posted in this thread that I had been working on a schmup but hadn't got round to posting it here yet, well now I have.
Introducing SuperSpaceShooter! (I'm terrible at naming things)

Source: (note: if you're using the arduino IDE you will need to rename main.cpp to SuperSpaceShooter.ino)
HEX and ELF: (you may have to rename them, sorry)

SSS preview screeny colored wiki.png
SSS preview image
SSS preview screeny colored wiki.png (1.93 KiB) Viewed 6749 times

In the other thread I posted this video of gameplay as it was:

Since then I have added a system for creating different types of enemies relatively easily, along with a couple of different enemy types. The system is explained (hopefully reasonably) in the readme and EnemyTypes.h (any questions just ask)

The game is still in alpha, the controls are arrows for movement and A to shoot, for now pressing B will spawn a random enemy.

Next up in development will probably be a system for predefined levels to be made, similar to the one used for enemy types.

Re: SuperSpaceShooter a side scrolling shoot 'em up

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 6:13 pm
by yodasvideoarcade
Looks very nice so far!

Here's my suggestions for improvement:

1) Instead of shooting lines, the enemies could shoot little bullets, i.e. balls / crosses. That would make it easier to distinguish your shoots from the enemy-shoots in fast-action gameplay.

2) Instead of having hearts on the bottom, the player-ship could have different shapes with a shield around that gets less and then the ship can break up. Would looks more realistic and also you see immediately when you get any damage.

3) Add a scrolling starfield as a background (just a few moving dots).

4) You can also add indestructible enemies that could be used as "walls" or obstacles.

Happy coding!

Re: SuperSpaceShooter a side scrolling shoot 'em up

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 7:11 pm
by msevilgenius
yodasvideoarcade wrote:Looks very nice so far!

Here's my suggestions for improvement:

1) Instead of shooting lines, the enemies could shoot little bullets, i.e. balls / crosses. That would make it easier to distinguish your shoots from the enemy-shoots in fast-action gameplay.

2) Instead of having hearts on the bottom, the player-ship could have different shapes with a shield around that gets less and then the ship can break up. Would looks more realistic and also you see immediately when you get any damage.

3) Add a scrolling starfield as a background (just a few moving dots).

4) You can also add indestructible enemies that could be used as "walls" or obstacles.

Happy coding!

Thanks! Those are some interesting ideas, now I have an even bigger list of things to play around with :lol:
I had thought about the scrolling star field but I haven't tried it yet because I thought it might make the screen too busy, I will try it though.

Re: SuperSpaceShooter a side scrolling shoot 'em up

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 3:12 pm
by qubist
You could try to use gray for the background. That might help keep it less busy.

EDIT: I've just played it and I have some suggestions. Gray for the stars would definitely be nice. I also think the player should be able to move a bit faster than the enemy ships so you could catch up to them. Also what if you lost points if the enemies got past the screen? Just some thoughts, It's a really nice game :D