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Hello from Brazil!

Wed Aug 27, 2014 5:20 am

Hi All,

I've unfortunately missed the Gamebuino Indiegogo campaign, so I'm eagerly waiting for a notification about available units to buy.

My intention with a Gamebuino is to encourage my 10 yo son to learn programming. We tried with a ZX-81 (yes, I still have one in working condition) but its BASIC interpreter is too slow, and I want him to grasp some concepts before learning assembly. With the Gamebuino, we can code in C, and he can bring the device to school and show his creations to his friends.

I've already browsed the forum a bit, read some things in the wiki, and tried some games in gbsim. I also took a look at the Gamebuino library, and decided to write a (possibly) faster function to draw sprites with built-in support for grey pixels just for the fun of it.

I've done some limited tests using gbsim and it seems to work, so I've created a GitHub repository for the code: If you try it, I'd love to get some feedback, specially related to its performance.

I'll try to write faster functions to draw lines and maybe other graphic-related things if time allows.


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