How to connect to a Mac OS X?

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How to connect to a Mac OS X?

Postby yawn » Tue Dec 23, 2014 2:38 pm

Sorry that's a stupid question but I have been struggling for hours to get this thing going without success.

I think I can't get an HEX file from the Arduino IDE. The wiki explains how to proceed for PC users, but not for Mac users. I have no idea where the HEX is located after compiling, I searched with Finder for the file but it won't find it (how ironic - hate Apple).

I can't upload through USB either, because I don't know how to get a serial port corresponding to the Gamebuino. Do I need an FTDI driver, and if so, which one?

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Re: How to connect to a Mac OS X?

Postby Myndale » Thu Dec 25, 2014 9:15 am

Hi Yawn,

there's a page on the official Arduino site for installing the Arduino's FTDI drivers on OS X:

After that the installation should be the same as for PC.

I don't use OS X myself but I would imagine that the IDE is the same, in which case go to Preferences and turn on verbose output. That will show you the location of the .HEX file when you build the games.
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Re: How to connect to a Mac OS X?

Postby yodasvideoarcade » Thu Dec 25, 2014 11:47 am

The uploading wasn't a problem for me on OS X. However, there were some changes I had to make, and I added that to the Wiki, but it seems someone deleted it again.

For the HEX file it's a bit more tricky. The reason you can't find it is that it gets deleted automatically after compilation. You have to remove the auto-delete in the setup (or config, I don't remember). Actually I posted that somewhere in the forum. Find it.

I you have that set up, it runs very well. Except for the fact that there's no emulator, so you have to upload your game everytime to test it.
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Re: How to connect to a Mac OS X?

Postby Drakker » Thu Dec 25, 2014 1:05 pm

Or you run Simbuino in a virtual machine. That's what I do and it works pretty well. One of the advantages of OSX is that compile time is pretty much instantaneous on my aging Macbook Pro, while on my brand spanking new super-fast laptop on Windows 8.1 compiling takes several seconds. A 9999% increase in compile time. ;)
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Re: How to connect to a Mac OS X?

Postby yawn » Thu Dec 25, 2014 7:11 pm

yodasvideoarcade wrote:The uploading wasn't a problem for me on OS X. However, there were some changes I had to make, and I added that to the Wiki, but it seems someone deleted it again.

Thanks, actually after installing the FTDI drivers it went fine. I hadn't tried hard enough, my bad.

For the HEX file it's a bit more tricky. The reason you can't find it is that it gets deleted automatically after compilation. You have to remove the auto-delete in the setup (or config, I don't remember). Actually I posted that somewhere in the forum. Find it.

Thanks, though no matter how I searched the forum I couldn't find how to get the HEX file. I tried to change 'preproc.save_build_files' to true in preferences.txt but it didn't work, I searched on Google too and I found this thread from the Arduino forums : but I don't get the last post (I'm not familiar with Apple maybe that's why). Could anyone help ? :/
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Re: How to connect to a Mac OS X?

Postby Montiey » Sun Feb 08, 2015 5:11 pm

On a mac if you type OPEN $TMPDIR in the terminal, it opens the temporary files folder, which is almost completely inaccessible otherwise. I would recumbent creating an Alias on your desktop so you don't have to type this every time. Click "Date modified" (if you're in list mode, which I would recommend), making it easier to find the latest "Build" folder. The HEX should be in there, along with the ".elf" (what is that file even for?).

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