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Alphabet variable with Serial.print - ASCII table

Wed Feb 15, 2017 2:50 pm

I would like to print each alphabet letters with a Serial.print(..

in the wiki, the gb.display.print page it is said : Serial.print("\7") gives an empty battery symbol
and the ASCII table :
ascii table.png
ascii table.png (4.32 KiB) Viewed 11090 times

So i suppose we could read the alphabet by incrementing a "Letter" variable like this :

Serial.print("\" & Letter) <= Something like these but i don't know how to do here ?
(And "Letter" would be from 101 to 132, and avoiding all number after 7 => 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 110, 111... )

So my question : how to use a variable "Letter" in a : Serial.print("\...") to print ASCII table ??

Re: Alphabet variable with Serial.print - ASCII table

Thu Feb 16, 2017 11:13 am

i will answer my question, here is what i found :

Using : gb.display.drawChar(x, y, char, size);

the "char" is the number of the Decimal character in the ASCII printable characters table
so 65=A ... -> 90=Z

and not the HEX char in the tables below :
char_map.png (4.01 KiB) Viewed 11076 times

and not the OCT char int the table in my fist post

so HEX 41 = DEC 65 = OCT 101 = "A" ect..
all this can be found here : http://www.ascii-code.com/

also in order to have real uppercase character we need to use
extern const byte font5x7[]; //a large, comfy font


e.g. this program print a big uppercase Z character :
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Gamebuino.h>

Gamebuino gb;
extern const byte font5x7[]; //a large, comfy font

void setup(){

void loop(){
      gb.display.drawChar(10, 10,  90, 3);  // here 90 =Z  , 65 = A .. 66=B ...

Re: Alphabet variable with Serial.print - ASCII table

Thu Feb 16, 2017 2:41 pm

Awot wrote:Hello,
i will answer my question, here is what i found :

Using : gb.display.drawChar(x, y, char, size);

the "char" is the number of the Decimal character in the ASCII printable characters table
so 65=A ... -> 90=Z

and not the HEX char in the tables below :

This is a thing of C++, by default putting numbers is just decimal.

Let's say you put 16, if you want to do that in hex you can just do 0x10 or in octal that is 0o20 or in binary that is 0b10000.

Notice the different prefixes, no prefix means decimal, 0x means hex, 0o means octal, 0b means binary
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