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Re: Switch Replacement

Sat Apr 02, 2016 8:26 am

Note how your sd adapter has a sliding switch on the side. Slide it all the way to the other side as it puts the card into write-protected mode

Re: Switch Replacement

Sat Apr 02, 2016 4:16 pm

Sorunome wrote:Note how your sd adapter has a sliding switch on the side. Slide it all the way to the other side as it puts the card into write-protected mode

Ohh right! :oops: will do that today for sure.

Re: Switch Replacement

Sun Apr 03, 2016 3:38 am

Well, we can rule out software. The question now is where to find a matching switch. Show a video anyway, though.

Re: Switch Replacement

Sun Apr 03, 2016 4:36 am

Well, my guess is that dirt and dust got on the way of the switch.

Mine was pretty bad 3 months that I left it off and then came to turn it on.
It would even display bugged half bright screens.
These past 2 months, running it at leas a few times per week is solving things.
As of today, it is working almost as it should, pressing is not an issue anymore (it is but just a bit), it also dims the screen a bit.

Yep, I can´t de solder it to clean it properly.

I did a video yesterday but it is hard to do so holding a phone, so I didn´t post.
Will do one now. uploading to youtube, will add here soon.

Re: Switch Replacement

Sun Apr 03, 2016 4:40 am

There you go, forgive the crap resolution and everything else. I hope it demonstrates my issues.
Like I said, they are WAY easier now than before.
What do you think? Is your trouble worse?
edit: As you can see on the video, I have to apply some level of force to get it misbehaving, when I first ran it way before, it was way worse, no force needed in any direction and sometimes it wouldn´t even turn on properly.

Re: Switch Replacement

Sun Apr 03, 2016 2:16 pm

Is it possible the soldering of the switch is breaking? What you do on the video looks like a contact problem that is very similar to a hairline crack in a solderjoint.

Re: Switch Replacement

Sun Apr 03, 2016 4:12 pm

Well, that's the same trouble I was having, except not nearly as bad. But, after you said there may have been dirt from it sitting around to long, I realized that's when I started having trouble as well. To fix t, I furiously jiggled the switch back and forth while pressing down, and now my trouble is less than what's in the video. Not much trouble at all.
BTW, is that a custom paint job or just a beat up protection sticker?

Re: Switch Replacement

Sun Apr 03, 2016 4:17 pm

I think it is the switch it self, if I push the whole metal body of the part around, all it ok.
That phenomena only happens with moving the black plastic switch, it feels like its contact inside the piece has some dirt or dust that is getting on the way.

I would not recommend people to "blow the cart" but I´d be lying if I say that it didn´t help.
I did get some more pressured air into it today and it seems the problem is gone, will be checking it throughout the week.

edit: Yep it is the protection paper I drew over a million times it is now quite a mess, less so on the back. Unfortunately I will have to pearl it off soon as it is starting to come of on its own. Maybe I could try to make a new protection paper so I can redraw stuff but I guess I´m going to enjoy the transparency a bit before such.

Re: Switch Replacement

Sun Apr 03, 2016 8:23 pm

Well my switch isn't bothering me at all anymore. I IBT think it's a really good idea to do what I did though. On/off rapidly can't be good.
Try spray painting a white background, then adding pixelly art based off certain Gamebuino games. It doesn't take much of an artist to do that, right?

Re: Switch Replacement

Sun Apr 03, 2016 8:24 pm

Or, I don't know, the button color scheme is identical to the Pikachu Edition Gameboy color, you could do that.
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