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Re: april design challenge

Tue Apr 08, 2014 3:04 pm

I'm getting the idea that you don't like my chess suggestion. I don't see how that's even possible.

With the limitations I don't think Monopoly would really work especially on the screen but I think shoots and ladders could work. It shouldn't require too much work but zooming in on one player whilst s/he moves with a mini map to the side (Similar to Phi's chess example) would definitely make it easier to see where both you and the other players are. Of course I can't claim to be an amazing programer so I'm just assuming that a move square to square kind of game with a randomized die would be simple enough. That and Chess. I think Chess would be a fun addition. Can't believe no one has recommended it yet.

Re: april design challenge

Tue Apr 08, 2014 3:28 pm

adekto wrote:go

I'm glad you mentioned this, I would love an implementation on the Gamebuino. Some very quick research, however, shows that implementing a good go AI is difficult even on a PC, let alone on the Gamebuino's limited hardware. Still, this would be a very nice add on.

The first real game I intend to work on (and no, it's not chess), is an asteroids clone! There's already a lot of prior code floating around (read:Hackvision has a nice implementation).

Re: april design challenge

Tue Apr 08, 2014 4:25 pm

go is cool but ur right ai may not work on some of these even CHESS will have iseus as mentioned befor
also coming back to chess u got single player chess (4x4, 3x3), 3D chess and idk maybe somthing wierd like maze chess.

also astroids is awsome gl with that (also consider spacewar if ur doing multiplayer)

coming back to monopoly check out the nes version of the game and ul see how u can solve it on the screen, also monopoly intigration with gamebuino would be bank system or the event cards can be displayed on the screen

Re: april design challenge

Sat Apr 12, 2014 8:34 pm


as a departure from the endless chess variations, how about a monopoly clone? As a child, I used to have a Junior Monopoly set which was simplified, and could possibly work well (or something like it) on the Gamebuino.

Ive attached an idea for the display, trying to make sure the screen isn't too cluttered. My main idea is to only show one of the 4 sides of the board at a time, but to allow the player (using left and right) to scroll around the board. The dice would be activated by pressing 'A' and both 'A' & 'B' would be used to make decisions with chance cards. The centre area is for a zoomed in look at the tile you're currently on, with the price if it isn't already purchased. if you own it, it would show the hotel price.

The main difference with Junior Monopoly was the lower prices (great if you can't have many numbers) and the only add on for a square is a single hotel, no houses or anything like that.
Buinopoly gif
Buinopoly.gif (1.24 KiB) Viewed 7240 times

Re: april design challenge

Sat Apr 12, 2014 9:14 pm

Nice design! So the board is always horizontal (scrollable?), really great!

Re: april design challenge

Wed Apr 16, 2014 12:52 am

The Monopoly game reminds me of the old SNES version.
Here's a picture of it.

Re: april design challenge

Sat Apr 19, 2014 10:24 pm

I would like my monopoly clone (if I ever get round to doing it) to have a short animation, zooming out to show the whole board, rotate a quarter turn, then zoom back in on the next side, but realistically it will probably scroll around in a loop.

After pondering this for a while, the idea of a constantly scrolling board game lends itself towards the style mario party used on many of its boards. I bet a gamebuino version of this, complete with mini games would make a great multiplayer project. A board game at heart, padded out with small game concepts, too short to be made into a full game.

Re: april design challenge

Sun Apr 20, 2014 7:10 am

erico wrote:Long time ago in a GLBasic Board Game competition, I coded SOLARIS (Captain Future), link to the real board game here:

After the game got completed codewise, I lost interest into coding its UI and SFX for doing action games. But it is still here and is fully playable :) .

Game is a 2-4 players game, no AI.
My designed mock looks like a mess and is using way too much of the gray tone, but I assure you it is a functional design! :shock:

Here is one img of the solo game +5 pixels on each border to try depict the real LCD, and an img of what it would look like if it was real...have fun :D

Edit: the cards are closed as it is a hot seat game with one handheld, and others can´t see your cards but the ones you apply on a turn. So when handheld is on your hands, you pressa button to show it all while hidding from the other 3 players :lol:

Hahaha... good implementation @Erico ;)

Re: april design challenge

Sun Apr 20, 2014 6:43 pm

Thanks, biggest problem is the card hiding situation on a single console.
Some form of multiplayer should do good but it is beyond my reach as a coder.

I should have released that source code ages ago back at GLB. :oops:

Re: april design challenge

Tue Apr 22, 2014 1:57 am

8-Bit TopHat wrote:The Monopoly game reminds me of the old SNES version.

God, I still have my SNES hooked up, with Monopoly. Didn't even need to read what you said.
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