Super Freaky game... concepts

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Super Freaky game... concepts

Postby superfreaky » Sun Nov 22, 2015 1:49 am

This topic is about different ideas I have. If you have any comments about ideas, QUOTE THE PART YOU WANT TO COMMENT, AND THAT ONLY. If you were to quote long entries, it would take up far too much space.
Now I have had lots of ideas for games, but I know almost no code whatsoever, much less how to do video games! So bear with me. Don't expect any usable games in the near future. Also, feel free to post your own ideas!

Ok, here's concept number one: Unturnedbuino(Or Buinturned[or just say what you think would fit]). I was looking at wolfenduino, and I thought about my favorite game. I know it's a crazy idea considering the GB has 2 kilobytes of ram, or that I know no code, but I figured it would be worth a shot. I even downloaded the source code, but I could not understand what was going on. I have made a list in my mind of major obstacles to a game of this type.
1) There would be no way to look up and down (at the moment). However, you could make wastelands and deserts; pretty much anything flat.
2) Considering how big the great outdoors are, it would be difficult to make a big outside place. There is a partial solution, if you stream map files from the sd card, but you would still run out of ram pretty quickly.
3) Because of the monochrome screen, nighttime would be near impossible to implement, at least graphically. You could still make a day/night indicator, though.
4) The tiny screen and limit on map file streaming mean your horizon would be limited, and I mean VERY limited.
5) The limited amount of buttons means FPS games are crippled.

Despite these cons, I think this game could be entertaining, although certainly much more feasible with an expansion module.

I would give you a look at my concept art, but I can't figure out how to add a pictures. Sorry.

Here's the images! There were more, but I couldn't add them due to a limit of three.
Cactus.PNG (1.64 KiB) Viewed 9279 times
Tree.PNG (1.38 KiB) Viewed 9279 times
Standingzombie.PNG (1.75 KiB) Viewed 9279 times
Last edited by superfreaky on Fri Nov 27, 2015 12:44 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Super Freaky game... concepts

Postby superfreaky » Mon Nov 23, 2015 1:58 am

OK, here's concept #2:The Impossible Game. The map you move through is pretty big, so depending on just how much the GB can handle without streaming from the sd card, music may not be an option. If this is the case, the only way I can think of to include music based off the song in the game is to have an instant replay with the music in the background. Unless someone figures out how to stream multiple files from the sd card simultaneously. I think it is possible, if you have the card switching rapidly between tasks. This may only be possible with a larger (faster) card. Again, I would show you some concept art, but I can't figure out how to include pics. You all get the picture anyway, right? (pun not intendeded)
Last edited by superfreaky on Fri Nov 27, 2015 12:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Super Freaky game... concepts

Postby superfreaky » Mon Nov 23, 2015 2:05 am

#3: Mario brothers. This is also a relatively simple one, although funner with two players. For those unfamiliar, this is NOT the same game as Super Mario Bros, but is more of a mini game. You are in a small, 3 or 4 platform room with spike koopas coming out of pipes at the top. They make their way down the platforms to pipes at the bottom, through which they exit. The only way to kill them is to bounce against the blocks they are walking on, and knock them upside down. Then you must run up and kick them. If you touch them when they are not upside down, they kill you. You play against an opponent until five koopas are dead, and whoever got the most wins. Or, if you are playing solo, then you just play 'till you die.(I think) It should be relatively simple to make.
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Re: Super Freaky game... concepts

Postby superfreaky » Mon Nov 23, 2015 2:22 am

Army men. Most people are probably familiar with this, so I won't talk much about it. If it were to be anywhere near the size of the full game, some serious code packing would be in order. Making opponents that actually present a challenge would be hard as well.
I would rather see this kind of game than a turn-based strategy, to be honest. I may have played army men when I was younger, but I never have played POKeMON, so I'm not a fan of that whole genre. (by the way, you should try army men, guys)
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Re: Super Freaky game... concepts

Postby superfreaky » Mon Nov 23, 2015 2:30 am

Platform Combat(or Halo: Platform Combat Evolved if you prefer). Well I got this idea playing Super Crate Buino. It would focus primarily on multiplayer combat, but would include bots as well for all you lonely players like me. There are two game modes at present: Shoot 'Em All and Capture the Crate. Shoot 'Em All would be just PvP, either teams or every man for himself. Capture the crate would be a race to collect the crates before your opponent does. Two different 'modes' within this mode as well. Either you kill each other to collect the crates, or just like Super Crate Buino just with two players competing. There are endless possibilities! This one wouldn't be too hard, considering all the hard work r0d0t already put into this. I will take a look at the code and see if I can understand it well enough to work on this game.
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Re: Super Freaky game... concepts

Postby superfreaky » Mon Nov 23, 2015 8:43 pm

Playing Crabator one time, I started thinking about Half Life, and Headcrabs. I realized it wouldn't be hard at all to make Crabator into a platform-based headcrab shooter. I guess this can't be considered a new game, but is more of a mod of sorts. Still, it would give me satisfaction to shoot headcrabs. Please leave a comment with a suggestion for the name. My only thought is, "Gordon Freeman's Headcrab Shooter Arcade"... or something like that.
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Re: Super Freaky game... concepts

Postby superfreaky » Tue Nov 24, 2015 1:44 am

This one is inspired by Taxi Fou. I was playing it and was reminded of a game my sister used to play a lot, called Pizza City. It was a... well, a game where you delivered pizza for a city. If you were to search on Armor Games ( you could find it. Taxi Fou is in the same type of environment. All you would need to do to make a playable game is:
1) A custom map.
2) Edit the code so instead of picking up people and delivering them, you stop at the pizza shop, take orders, and then deliver pizza to the location.
3) Make it so the people sprites move and can be run over.
4) A gasoline meter so you need to watch your tank level and refill.

Then would come more challenging bits. The game has ambient music throughout the city which changes based on your location. This would be difficult to implement without making the game too big, so making a soundtrack worth having the sound on for would be especially challenging. Then, there's things like how the different people you deliver to have personalities and say things to you. Also if you run over someone, the cops chase you. Especially if you hit the Hod Dog Man! Although there are actually perks for hitting clowns and mimes, LOL. All in all, it presents quite a challenge for someone like me.
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Re: Super Freaky game... concepts

Postby superfreaky » Wed Nov 25, 2015 5:09 am

This concept takes Unturned and makes it into a third person perspective game. It is much more practical on the GB than a first person game.
Things which would be easy:

Making zombies run towards you.

Large SD card streamed map. (Thanks Jonnection!)

Sound effects.

Random spawns for you, the zombie, and the weapons and food.

So really, not much.

Here's the hard things:


Full moon.

Multiplayer(this would make it way cooler)

Hunger, thirst, health, and toxicity levels.



Well, a basic game wouldn't be too hard. All you would need to implement to represent the features in the Unturned of a year ago (aside from 3D) is finding/using weapons and food, vehicles, and hunger and thirst and poison counters. No multiplayer or crafting necessary.
Here's a logo pic and player and zombie
Unturnedman.PNG (946 Bytes) Viewed 9279 times
Logo.PNG (2.48 KiB) Viewed 9279 times
Zombie.PNG (719 Bytes) Viewed 9279 times
Last edited by superfreaky on Fri Nov 27, 2015 3:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Super Freaky game... concepts

Postby superfreaky » Wed Nov 25, 2015 5:19 am

Will someone please tell me what the heck to do with ? I can't paste an image, so what do I do to put the pic there?
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Re: Super Freaky game... concepts

Postby awesome101 » Thu Nov 26, 2015 1:31 pm

I'm interested in idea number 3. I could probably code it in no time. :D
Are these ideas only going to be you developing or can it be others?
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