Céleste Classic



6 years ago

This is a port of Céleste Classic from PICO-8 on META.

Controls: A to jump, B to dash and menu button to restart the level.

I decided that it's a finished version (v1.0). The game is complete gameplay wise but has no audio, no graphical effects, and not all the hairs of Madeline change when she dashes.

I'll see if I can optimize the game more so I can add effects and audio. (no promises)



Ceci est un portage de Céleste Classic, de la PICO-8 vers la META.

Boutons : A pour sauter, B pour faire un dash, bouton menu pour relancer le niveau.

J'ai décidé que le jeu était terminé (v1.0). Il est complêt d'un point de vue gameplay, mais n'a pas d'audio, aucun effet graphique, et tous les cheveux de Madeline ne changent pas quand elle dash.

Je vais essayer d'optimiser le jeu pour y inclure les effets et l'audio. (je ne promets rien)

Amusez-vous bien !

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NEW 6 years ago

Wow, looks really good - hope we get a finished version!


NEW 6 years ago

Super. Bon je ne teste pas car grippe => FATIGUE mais ça à l air génial et je testerais sans doute demain. Bonne continuation dans ton portage et je te fais un retour après mon test ;)


NEW 6 years ago


Great job, looking awesome! The best video game of 2018 on my Gamebuino


NEW 6 years ago

I'm super stoked this is now available on Gamebuino.

When I first played this on the Pico-8 emulator it blew my mind how well the simple gameplay worked. To bad there weren't that many other games I could find on pico-8 at the time that interested me, otherwise I would have gotten a pocket-chip maybe.

Anyway, super stoked about Céleste!


NEW 6 years ago

Thanks for all your responses about that port. :D

I did a few changes that are only available on github, for now (like a fix of the orb and I added the dead particles). Will try add sounds soon. (I'll probably wait to have some audio before updating the creation)


NEW 5 years ago

Amazed at how well this runs, great job!

I was wondering though: why the ´ on the first e in Celeste?


NEW 5 years ago

it's the french name for Celeste


NEW 5 years ago

I'd assume they wouldn't change the way the title is written in other languages...


NEW 5 years ago

I just like my accents. :p


NEW 5 years ago

I don't even think you pronounce it as cé, more like ce-leste :)


NEW 5 years ago

c'est trop cool mais combien y a-t-il de fraise à récuperer ?


5 years ago

il y en a 18.


NEW 5 years ago

BatterieMeta BatterieMeta

il y en a 18.