6 years ago
J’ai recu ma Gamebuino Meta et j’ai parcouru tout le forum, mais je ne sais pas comment la démarrer.
Merci d’avance
NEW 6 years ago
Thank you.
J’ai effectivement raté ce bouton à droite de la console, merci beaucoup.
NEW 6 years ago
C'est le premier test mais c'est vrai que le bouton de démarrage est très discret ;)
NEW 6 years ago
My start button was broken after 2 weeks of use :<. But I managed to fix it :D. I wounder why it is build that way - its very delicate and fragile. (I'm afraid about D-pad too - I have feeling it can broke on some hardcore arcade/platform games). Rest of construction seems very fine tho ;).