6 years ago
Hello everyone,
I am looking for a comfortable tool to create my sprites, which includes the possibility to design them with real-time visualization functions like mirroring along both orthogonal axes X and Y. I would like to be able to work on a tile and simultaneously visualize the rendering of a tiling built with the same tile, over a large area. I would also like the possibility to easily build a spritesheet that brings together all my tiles by automatically placing them on an optimized grid. Piskel, for example, does not offer these possibilities...
I am looking for an online tool, or one that works with macOS. Do you know of a great tool that can do that?
NEW 6 years ago
There maybe in this link part of the answer you are looking for : www.piskelapp.com.
6 years ago
Thank you for your answer, but Piskel, which is very good, only partially meets my needs. I saw that there was the possibility of working in mirror and tile mode, but it doesn't seem too appropriate to me to design tilemaps... I would like to find a tool that combines the best of both worlds :-)
NEW 6 years ago
Thank you for your answer, but Piskel, which is very good, only partially meets my needs. I saw that there was the possibility of working in mirror and tile mode, but it doesn't seem too appropriate to me to design tilemaps... I would like to find a tool that combines the best of both worlds :-)
NEW 6 years ago
You can test graphicscale. Not sure you could find all you want but i don't know better than piskel and graphicscale (download it on 01net).
After, it's have to be an homemade tools i think... (and you can use tiled to create your map but both are not integrated together)
6 years ago
Thanks Jicehel, but GraphicScale only works on Windows.... And when you refer to Tiled, did you mean that?
NEW 6 years ago
Thanks Jicehel, but GraphicScale only works on Windows.... And when you refer to Tiled, did you mean that?
NEW 6 years ago
yes, that's it ;) and else for you, you have krita and asperite but it's not online. Have a look on Pyxel Edit as it can answer for a part of your request even it's not online too. Online, you have Pixie Engine Editor (https://pixieengine.com/pixel-editor) but its not as good as previous tools. Else you had Tile studio but it's only on Windows too. Else i think you know it already but you have Pixen on Mac to make tiles and export sheets from your animations. I'll let others answer if they know better tools.
6 years ago
Ha ha! At least I didn't risk missing your answer ;-)
Thanks for all these leads... I've sorted them out... I have to test aseprite and Tiled. I (finally) started to think about some little games... I'm taking a break for the tutorials, which are extremely time-consuming... and I may be waiting for expressed needs from the community... which doesn't express itself much on this subject... and that's too bad!
NEW 6 years ago
Ha ha! At least I didn't risk missing your answer ;-)
Thanks for all these leads... I've sorted them out... I have to test aseprite and Tiled. I (finally) started to think about some little games... I'm taking a break for the tutorials, which are extremely time-consuming... and I may be waiting for expressed needs from the community... which doesn't express itself much on this subject... and that's too bad!
NEW 6 years ago
Yes, and don't ask me as i could have some idea from last request from other users, but they'll ask themself. No time for me and you done already 2 big tutos, i think it's can be cool for you now to use it to create your own game as it's good to share his game. It's make sense with tuto scripting (and for me it's good to write tuto when you start as you are in the situation of someone like you that don't know the subject and have to understand it, and it's fine too as if you make some errors, the good programers can correct you and avoid you to make errors or complete the tuto with comments). Good luck for your game and says (write) if you need help for something