Stickers and an upgraded library


Aurélien Rodot

6 years ago

My fellow Gamebuinians,

The past two weeks saw the birth of many new things!

An expanding team

I know that this blog post was published with Aurélien's account, but he didn't post this. It is I, Julien, who hacked his account }:D

Okay, on a more serious note, I (Julien) joined the wonderful Gamebuino team last week (I am using Aurélien's account because he has yet to make me a site admin). I have been working on some tutorials (not available in English yet because we are still trying out things), and a secret project ;)

But I am not the only new kid on the block, there is also the amazing Katrin who is working on the on various parts of the software.

From left to right: Me (Julien), Sandra, Aurélien, and Katrin

The Seal of Quality

Many Gamebuinians among the community have phenomenal skills! The number of top-notch games on the creations page is growing fast. So to reward, and give more visibility to those games, we have launched a Seal of Quality.

The dawn of the Fair Stickers

Stickers are designed around the idea of encouraging developers that have the Seal of Quality. All Gamebuino games are completely free (and most are open source too!). The best of them now have the possibility of generating money through the use of stickers. You see, these epic stickers will be available on the store soon, and half the price of what you pay goes directly to the developer of the game :D

We have not launched the stickers yet, but that is because we would like to know which one you guys prefer first! Go ahead and vote now -> Sticker contest

Loader Update

The loader, which allows you to change games, received a recent update. It is now more intuitive to use, and has a setup interface for the very first time you turn on your Gamebuino. If it is not already done, take a minute to update yours (follow the "Update the default game" section): link

GB.GUI | Keyboards, menus, and pop-ups

I present to you, gb.gui :

The Gamebuino-Meta library now has tools to help you build graphical user interfaces in just a few lines. It even has an awesome tutorial to get you started in no time.

See you around,

Julien from Gamebuino

View full creation


NEW 6 years ago

la moité du prix est directement renversé au développeur => c'est renversant  ;)  

la photo sous "Mise à jour du loader" n'est pas passé

Sinon, super l'idée des stickers et je vais de ce pas faire le sticker contest et je vais même voter pour un traître qui a un super jeu en devenir sous le coude mais qui fini d'abord un autre projet. Toutefois, son projet est tellement simple et prometteur que je suis obligé de voter pour lui... La vie n'est pas facile ...  :D

Et bienvenus dans cette équipe de fous Julien et Katrin. A vous 4 (plus tous les bénévoles), ça va dépoter..  


NEW 6 years ago

These stickers look awesome, but I'm curious... why isn't Armageddon on the list of stickers to vote for?  Did I miss some submission process?  I think Armageddon might be the only game from the Seal of Quality category that wasn't included.

Aurélien Rodot

6 years ago

You're right, it must be a mistake on my side, sorry D:


NEW 6 years ago

I have voted for one game because sticker was too cool and i haven't vote for another because i don't like the sticker even i like the game. i'll not post names here as i don't want influence others but i would just say it for info

Aurélien Rodot

NEW 6 years ago

wuuff wuuff

You're right, it must be a mistake on my side, sorry D:


NEW 6 years ago

Hey so, I won a sticker or something, but its not saying I ordered it. I got a email order confirmation, but its not saying I ordered it on my account on here. Also it still hasnt arrived. Whats up with that?

Aurélien Rodot

6 years ago

Hey, please contact us through the chat in the bottom right corner for order-related questions :)

If you received an order confirmation it should be OK, you'll get an email when I ship it.

Aurélien Rodot

NEW 6 years ago

Kizzykat Kizzykat

Hey, please contact us through the chat in the bottom right corner for order-related questions :)

If you received an order confirmation it should be OK, you'll get an email when I ship it.


NEW 6 years ago

Super j'ai reçu le matériel commandés et mes Stickers  ;)

Bravo à l'équipe, le système de commandes marche bien


6 years ago


NEW 6 years ago

jicehel jicehel