Academy ?

Aide et questions


il y a 6 ans


Ce qui me manque surtout en tant que GRAND débutant, c'est des commentaires un peu détaillés dans les programmes. 

J'ai souvent essayé d'ouvrir les programmes des autres quand ils étaient accessibles mais retrouver qui fait quoi et pourquoi, en tant que débutant c'est impossible. Un pong ou un "jeu du numéro caché", ça va, j'arrive à gérer, mais dès que ça implique des choses plus compliquées, c'est la galère.

Je révérai de "trame" de programmes "types" (genre un jeu de plateforme avec un tileset, un jeu space invader, un breakout, un jeu de course, etc.) qui soient vraiment documentés, où chaque ligne ou presque contient son bout de commentaire qui explique ce qu'elle fait là. En gros, le hello-world des tutoriels mais pour un programme.

Aura-t-on ce genre de chose dans "l'Academy" ?

Merci !



What misses me especially as ABSOLUTE BEGINNER, it is comments a little detailed in programs.

I often tried to open the programs of others when they were accessible but to find who makes what and why, as beginner it is impossible. A pong or a " game of hidden number ", OK, I manage ! But as soon as that involves more complicated things, it's hellish.

I revered of "weft" of "typical" programs kind  (platform with a tileset, invader, a breakout, race, etc.) which are really documented, where every line or almost contains its end of comment which explains what she is doing there. Roughly, the hello-world of tutoriels but for a program.

As it will be had this kind of thing in "Academy" ?


NEW il y a 6 ans

Je pense que c'est le but de l'académie. Pour le moment c'est avec le Pong, pour acquérir les bases, mais je pense qu'il y aura des tutos de ce type pour différents sujets / type de jeux. Par contre, je pense qu'il faudra quand même suivre les tutos de bases car je ne pense pas que celles ci soient reprises dans les tutos plus avancés. Ils concentrerons certainement sur les difficultés ou sur le thèmes du tutorial, la particularité du style de jeu (à mon avis) 


I think that it's the goal of the academy. Now, they show it with Pong, to gain bases of dev, but later, i thnik they will make tuto like this for all sort of subjects / dev difficulty or game type. But i think that you'll have to follow all basic tutorials, because i doubt that they will explain them each time in the prog or tuto more advanced. I think that the advanced tutorials will be centred on his subject, dev tips, difficulty to resolve or game type.

Aurélien Rodot

NEW il y a 6 ans

Oui / yes :)

That's our goal, we will continuously release what we do, stay around ;)


NEW il y a 6 ans

When I was making programs for the classic I tried to be good about having a comment about every function and it's purpose. But I will admit I had a bad habit of trimming out a lot of that so that it would be neater to fit in the source boxes on the old forums.

This makes me think that having an extra documentation file explaining the inner workings of a game I've made in general terms, along with comments on the functions in the code itself is a good habit for me to have. Certain things I'd like to do will basically require it for anyone to understand what's going on I suspect