il y a 6 ans
Hi there, i am a little bit lost. My gamebuino is working like in slow motion. Tried reflashing bootloader, or loading games directly it is just sluggish. the only difference would be that i have used 16v100uf capasitors instead of 6.3 v. if anybody has any ideas i am open.
NEW il y a 6 ans
update. This was a diy gamebuino build. And the problem was that while flashing the bootloader, correct fuse & lock bit values was not set correctly, making the gamebuino use, the internal Atmega328p oscillator, which is on default set to around 1MHz, so 16 times slower than crystal used in the board. Cheers
NEW il y a 6 ans
So tis subject can be marked as solved ;) and i'm happy that you have successfully make you own classic ;) Well done