Image to code converter



NEW il y a 6 ans

Hi again, I've started to add some Palette options to this also ( but I've found I have an issue with transparency.

I think for each image you need to sacrifice one of the 16 colours to be the transparent colour and use that as a fill in transparent areas. Either that or the index matching code needs some mods... 


il y a 6 ans

that is correct, in indexed mode you sacrifice one of the 16 colors for transparency


NEW il y a 6 ans

strangenikolai strangenikolai

that is correct, in indexed mode you sacrifice one of the 16 colors for transparency


NEW il y a 6 ans


je ne comprends pas l'usage de cette page lorsque je glisse une image .png rien ne se produit pas de code généré à recopier dans mon source ?
help me please !



NEW il y a 6 ans

Tu dois la glisser dans la zone "Drop your image into this zone" et tu récupères le code juste en dessous.

Si tu as un problème en faisant comme ça, essayes de sauvegarder ton image en BMP 24bits et réessayes pour voir si c'est un problème de format de tes images en PNG.


NEW il y a 6 ans

[english] It doesn't work if your image width is not a  multiple of two!!!

[français] Il faut que la largeur de votre image soit un nombre pair, sinon...


NEW il y a 6 ans


I just wanted to try this tool here, but somehow it does not react to my drag&drop actions (my scriptblocker is deactivated of course). Using Firefox 62.0.3 on Windows10 atm.

Is there some restriction I did not recognize or something else I have overlooked?


P.S.: I have found the JSFiddle link, there don't get it run as well. So it is not connected to this page here.

P.P.S.: Javascript is enabled in my browser, so that's not it either. Suggestions are highly welcome ^^.


il y a 6 ans

Yeah, it only seems to be working in chrome currently :/


NEW il y a 6 ans

makerSquirrel makerSquirrel

Yeah, it only seems to be working in chrome currently :/


NEW il y a 6 ans

.I've got a problem with conversion.

I try to convert this image option1.bmp

I haven't got gamebuino meta yet.

So I try to run it to an emulator.

What's a problem?


NEW il y a 6 ans

.I've got a problem with conversion.

I try to convert this image option1.bmp

I haven't got gamebuino meta yet.

So I try to run it to an emulator.

What's a problem?


NEW il y a 6 ans

.I've got a problem with conversion.

I try to convert this image option1.bmp

I haven't got gamebuino meta yet.

So I try to run it to an emulator.

What's a problem?


NEW il y a 6 ans

Wich transparent color have you choose ? Else could you past generated code to let us try to correct the error. It's seems that the tansparent color as been set on white at the first view but i don't understand all as back is converted into grey and we don't see the gray. Have you a 24 bits bmp ? I don't remember all the managed format but if y remember well 8 bits (and maybe 16 bits colors) bmp don't works very well. So use 24 or 32 bits to see if it's works better or use png it works fine too (i prefer dont use jpg as the compess format can make some bad things on sprites)


il y a 6 ans

OK, Thanks, I try it on PNG Works :)


NEW il y a 6 ans

jicehel jicehel

OK, Thanks, I try it on PNG Works :)


NEW il y a 6 ans

Nice  ;) 


NEW il y a 6 ans

Message supprimé


NEW il y a 5 ans

No function!

In the browser-console comes a lot of error-messages:


il y a 5 ans

Which browser are you using? For some reason this one isn't working under firefox currently, you could try this one instead!