META Screen Recorder



il y a 5 ans

Générez des GIF animées à partir de captures d'écrans vidéos

Vous développez un nouveau jeu ? Vous êtes fier de votre nouvelle création et vous voulez sans plus tarder en faire la démonstration sur Discord ou sur le site ? Vous aurez probalement envie de faire une GIF animée pour exhiber votre chef-d’œuvre à toute la communauté 

Voici META Screen Recorder, un nouvel outil pour enregistrer des captures d'écrans vidéos de vos applications. Cet utilitaire vient compléter l'outil de capture intégré à la META (accessible par le bouton Home), pour vous offrir plus de souplesse, plus de simplicité et plus de fonctionnalités :

  • Déclencher ou arrêter l’enregistrement de l'écran quand bon vous semble, sans interrompre le déroulement de votre application.
  • Déclencher et arrêter l'enregistrement directement dans votre code avec les instructions startRecording() et stopRecording().
  • Profiter des pleines capacités de la META et enregistrer vos applications qui tournent en Haute Résolution !

META Screen Recorder fonctionne sur macOS, Linux et Windows.

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NEW il y a 5 ans

Looking nice!

Just so you know, quite a few of these are already available in the core library itself! You can start screen recording, or, recording of any Image with myimage.startRecording("recfile.gmv"); and then stop with myimage.stopRecording();.
For Example:

// some code

You can then grab the gmv file onto your computer and either use the online converter or run it locally on your pc (it is open source!)

As the library only goes via images, though, it won't do direct gb.tft access stuffs.


il y a 5 ans

Hi Soru,

Thank you for that clarification. In fact, at the beginning, I had made this tool for my needs: to make screenshots in high resolution. And as I find it really very practical, I thought it would be nice to share it. So I added support for the standard resolution.

In addition, I found it really painful to have to grab my screenshots on the microSD. It's too much handling, especially when you have to do it 10 times to get the perfect recording... So it's much more convenient to retrieve the recordings live on your PC, when the META is connected to its USB cable...


NEW il y a 5 ans

Sorunome Sorunome

Hi Soru,

Thank you for that clarification. In fact, at the beginning, I had made this tool for my needs: to make screenshots in high resolution. And as I find it really very practical, I thought it would be nice to share it. So I added support for the standard resolution.

In addition, I found it really painful to have to grab my screenshots on the microSD. It's too much handling, especially when you have to do it 10 times to get the perfect recording... So it's much more convenient to retrieve the recordings live on your PC, when the META is connected to its USB cable...