The New Gamebuino Meta Mockups Thread



NEW il y a 6 ans

Calculator anyone?  Stock palette except for the darker red/brown.  80x64 low-res mode.


il y a 6 ans

well there's a thought!


NEW il y a 6 ans

dreamer3 dreamer3

well there's a thought!


NEW il y a 6 ans

My first project when I receive my Gamebuino will be porting my PICO-8 Bumble Bots game to it. I made a start today by creating a mockup. I like how it turned out. The color palette seems to work quite well.


NEW il y a 6 ans

Cool another nice news   ;)


NEW il y a 5 ans

I'm considering the possibility to make a harvest moon-like game :

(the animals sprites are from this tileset :, by Jakub Wasilewski)

I still need to draw a lot of tiles before coding, and my not so good pixel art skills plus the small tiles size (8x8) isn't helping. If anyone is willing to help me that would be great :)

Here is the tiles from the GBC version as an example of what i'm needing :


NEW il y a 5 ans

Among all my projects there's another pokemon-like game (I like those ☺).

I spent a lot of time trying to create a good tileset, but I'm not 100% satisfied with it... If anyone is willing to help me to enhance it (making it more coherent), you're welcome !

(I'd like to stay under 255 unique tiles, still).


Parmi tous mes projets il y a un autre clone de pokémon ☺

J'ai passé quelques heures à essayer de créer un jeu de tiles potable mais je ne suis pas tout à fait satisfait, donc si quelqu'un veut l'améliorer (la cohérence surtout), il est le bienvenu.

Si vous souhaitez  rajouter des tiles, j'aimerais juste rester en dessous de 255 différents.

Here's the current tileset :


il y a 5 ans

Another Pokémon game ? Good to hear :D


il y a 5 ans

Deeph, il could try to help if you want. I'll have a look on it tonight and as always, i'll post propositions and you take what you want if you want.


NEW il y a 5 ans

deeph deeph

Another Pokémon game ? Good to hear :D


NEW il y a 5 ans

deeph deeph

Deeph, il could try to help if you want. I'll have a look on it tonight and as always, i'll post propositions and you take what you want if you want.


NEW il y a 5 ans

Hum, first, the tileset is beautifull, but just to understand, you have the same tiles smetimes (house, desert, mountain for comodity ?)

I have add some tiles for adding different sort of terrain. Not sure if it's good.


NEW il y a 5 ans

Thanks ! Looks like those comes from RPG Maker chipsets ?

Unfortunatly they can't be used like that : every tile must be 8*8 pixels and use the official palette colors. There are indeed different colors/variant of the same tiles because I'm not quite sure what fits best.

I've made some progress but I'm currently already at 111 unique tiles (compared to a total of 105 for Picomon).


NEW il y a 5 ans

Great  ;) good job.