Les composants sont arrivés


Aurélien Rodot

il y a 6 ans

Des piles de bons trucs

La fabrication avance sans accrocs, nous avons reçu tous les composants nécessaires pour commencer la soudure (ou devrais-je dire brasure). J'essaierai de vous faire une vidéo pour montrer comment on assembles les quelques 100 composants qui composent chaque Gamebuino. En attendant, voilà comment on découpe le bois véritable au laser :)

Des piles de composants prêts à être transformés en Gamebuino

Les lasers, c'est cool.

Découpe au laser de la skin en bois véritable, à 5 minute de notre bureau à St-Etienne. Merci à http://www.ldworkshop.fr/ 

Pour suivre notre progrès chaque jour, suivez nous sur Facebook, Twitter et Instagram !

Voir la création


NEW il y a 6 ans

I assume you've got a Pick-N-Place machine for that. I've seen videos of those things in action, and it's mesmerizing to watch how fast they go, even with tiny surface mount parts.

Aurélien Rodot

il y a 6 ans

Yeah they place up to 25K parts per hour, which is about 7 components per second. It's so cool I'll make a video next week to show you :)

We'll also have machine vision to check all the components are there and all the pads are soldered correctly. That's the kind of automation that allows us to keep  all the manufacturing in France.

Aurélien Rodot

NEW il y a 6 ans


Yeah they place up to 25K parts per hour, which is about 7 components per second. It's so cool I'll make a video next week to show you :)

We'll also have machine vision to check all the components are there and all the pads are soldered correctly. That's the kind of automation that allows us to keep  all the manufacturing in France.


il y a 6 ans

Hey Rodot- will the Gamebuino come with a screen protector? I saw on kickstarter you said to not keep it with your keys, I know they can scratch a lot of things. 


NEW il y a 6 ans

Aurélien Rodot Aurélien Rodot

Hey Rodot- will the Gamebuino come with a screen protector? I saw on kickstarter you said to not keep it with your keys, I know they can scratch a lot of things. 


il y a 6 ans

You can get universal screen protector kits for not too much, they come with cutting guides so you can cut to fit the screen.


NEW il y a 6 ans

Hum, maybe an idea of 3D printed cover / options for transport but you have to have a good idea to tidy it when you play. (Maybe you could put it behind but the cover but without hiding the leds...)


NEW il y a 6 ans

I transport my GB Classic (and many others things like earphones) in this type of small pouch : https://www.amazon.fr/NUOLUX-Mousseline-cadeau-mariage-pochettes/dp/B01LZR31HA/ref=sr_1_2?rps=1&ie=UTF8&qid=1517472993&sr=8-2&keywords=sachet+coton

it's cost "nothing" and it's very usefull !

Aurélien Rodot

NEW il y a 6 ans

There is already a pouch provided as we reached the extended goal :)


NEW il y a 6 ans

yes it's should be enough to protect screen. That's true


NEW il y a 6 ans

NightWolf NightWolf

You can get universal screen protector kits for not too much, they come with cutting guides so you can cut to fit the screen.