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Profitez des jeux à pleine vitesse avec son et lumières sur la Gamebuino META !
Emulateur par aoneill
Go Beaver Go is a puzzle game that teaches you basic programming skills. Now you can improve your programming skills wherever you are with your Gamebuino!
The game is based on (a variant of) the esoteric programming language 2L. This is a two-dimensional language that features only two instructions. I will not explain here how those instructions exactly work. That is for you to discover as part of the puzzle experience. The language is Turing-complete which means that in principle it can do anything. In this case, the limited size of the program severely restricts what you can do. Nevertheless, you can write surprisingly intricate programs. The main challenge is to write a Busy Beaver program; a program that runs for as long as possible, yet terminates. The current record is a 7x7 program that takes 33207907 steps to complete. If you manage to beat that, definitely let me know!
Version 1.0:
Version 0.4.1:
Version 0.4:
Version 0.3:
Version 0.2: