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Profitez des jeux à pleine vitesse avec son et lumières sur la Gamebuino META !
Emulateur par aoneill

A simple Gamebuino Meta port of the arcade game 'Asteroids':

The game has the typical loop-around asteroid-shooting fare of the arcade game, with the ability to change the color of the Background, Ship, Astroids, the lasers, and the text that appears on screen. If you want classic black and white, or to go full pastel, you can.

These settings are adjusted in a nested menu system that pauses the game while you're there. It also saves any changes upon exit, the game will remember what you used last when you load it again. Hit Menu to go into the options, then back to the game.


WIth some help from Riksu9000, Sorunome, and Rodot, I've gotten it to a playable state.



background jingles for the stage, 'game over' and 'credits' screens.

Potentially re-implementing polygonal asteroids (there was a lot of CPU overhead, but if I can squeeze more performance out, then you'll be able to shoot and rocks and not beach balls).

Adding scoring and high-scores to the game, as well as a menu option to see them.