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Profitez des jeux à pleine vitesse avec son et lumières sur la Gamebuino META !
Emulateur par aoneill

Oasis demonstrated that we could use the Gamebuino Meta as a USB HID device:

With his courtesy, I've built on his idea and recycled code from an old project of mine (an Arduino-based arcade stick), and, ta-da! Here is Padino, the application that allows you to use your Gamebuino meta as a gamepad.

Here is a video of Padino in action:

Version 2 allows you to use all 4 action buttons, and may have a lower latency than v1. For games that do not allow you to use a HID gamepad, a keyboard fallback is available using a combination of presses displayed on screen (down + menu + A + B).


  • Download the application, the same as any game
  • Plug your Gamebuino Meta into the USB port of your PC / raspberry pi / whatever
  • Start the application from the main menu, your Gamebuino Meta will be seen as a standard HID gamepad + a keyboard controller
  • That' all!

As the Home button is overridden, you'll have to switch the Gamebuino off and on again to return to the game selection menu.