Join us at the Maker Faire

By Sandra, 6 years ago

What is a Maker faire ?

It’s a faire on two or three days, which happen in more than thirty cities around the world. It’s an all-ages gathering of tech enthusiasts, crafters, educators, tinkerers, hobbyists, engineers, science clubs, authors, artists, students, and commercial exhibitors. The goal is to show what you made or discover what other people made. You can participate as an exhibitors or as a visitor. To make you understand better, here are some images we took last year:


Last year, we've got the chance to participate in 3 Maker Faire. Bilbao in Spain, Kiel in Germany and the big Europe Maker Faire of Roma in Italy. This year we decided to do it again!

The Gamebuino Team will be here:

  • 29th to 30th September in Eindhoven, Netherlands (Sorunome, Siegfried)
  • 12th to 13th October in Rome, Italy (Aurélien, Sandra, Pierre)
  • 23th to 25th November in Paris, France (Aurélien, Sandra, Siegfried)

So, if you are around don’t hesitate to come and see us! We are always happy to meet members of the Gamebuino community.

In addition, we will have a very cool booth with a lot of goodies and giveaways!


Pick of the week is our new heading! Because we love to show our community talents. We want to pick in every news one of your creation: games, pixel art, music etc. And for this first time the Gamebuino team piiiiiiiiiiiicks drum roll




LED BUINO by BlinkyShay

LED-buino is a game where you need to go through colorful gates.
Each gate has his own randomly generated color.
To show which gate you need to pass, you have to check the colors of the Gamebuino’s LED.

We really love this idea and this little game!

Don’t hesitate anymore to download it.


What news do you want?

'cause these news are made for you Gambuinians, we would love to know what your favorite topics are. For us, it’s obviously the dressage of our fish Globulle and Dvorak, or the updates on Aurélien’s haircut. But, making you happy is above all!

? Take your mouse and click right here

Tell us!