Learn electronics with Gamebuino!

By Sandra, 6 years ago

Pierre joinS the Gamebuino team!

Hello Gamebuinians, Sandra here! I’m glad to write this news and impatient to reveal our weakly exclusive information ?

This week, we have the pleasure to announce a new arrival in the team:

Pierre, Student of Epitech school, join us and will be here until December 2018.

From left to right : Aurélien, Sandra, Pierre, Katrin

And as you can see, Katrin, or known as Sorunome, left Germany and graciously joined us for some weeks!

Backpack prototype arrived

Aurélien speaking, at your service. Looks like we already received the prototypes of the new breadboard prototyping Backpack... Unleash the electronics! Plug in LEDs, buttons, motors and more! Who wants some?!


Pick of the week

We can already say that some members of the team are much better than others at playing this game.

Bumble bots by Eriban

Bumble Bots is a difficult puzzle action game. You control a bot which needs to find its way in sixteen small but increasingly more difficult levels. You need to collect pick-ups, push boxes, fill gaps, use teleporters and more while being chased by enemy bots or the clock.

The puzzles will challenge your problem-solving skills and the action your reflexes and agility.

We think this game is beautiful and complete. Its difficulty removes nothing of its charm because it pushes you to play more to get better!


Congratulations and Thanks to Eriban!