NEW il y a 6 ans
I didn't even know BMPs could have negative height. TIL!
Glad I could help make Gamebuino better
NEW il y a 6 ans
I would like to submit my Bumble Bots game for a quality seal. The game is still a Work in Progress but I hope that is not an issue. The main thing that is still pending is more levels. The game already features six fully playable levels and meets all Quality Seal criteria as far as I can see. If not, let me know what requires fixing.
Aurélien Rodot
il y a 6 ans
Work in progress is not an issue as long as there are no half implemented/buggy features. To apply for the quality seal can you send a message through the chat ? This way I'll have a "ticket" to remember to try it out, and I can chat personally with you about any required changes :)
NEW il y a 6 ans
I'm not gonna get this
NEW il y a 6 ans
It's up to you !
NEW il y a 6 ans
Work in progress is not an issue as long as there are no half implemented/buggy features. To apply for the quality seal can you send a message through the chat ? This way I'll have a "ticket" to remember to try it out, and I can chat personally with you about any required changes :)
NEW il y a 6 ans
I mean, I would like to because it's great but I'm not sure I'll be able ;P