NEW il y a 6 ans
yes and a monster seems to hit too quick compared to other. I don't know if it's wanted but it's a nightmare after king when you explore... It attack every 2 or 3 seconds so you lost near 300 to 500 hp before be able to attack... it's alot more than other monsters of this level who make about 50hp by time you can attack them
NEW il y a 6 ans
yes, i have make one lesson (100 go i can not do it two times...)
NEW il y a 6 ans
I take it then you also found the Axe weapon? I guess it is grinding time for you, heehee. Grinding while exploring ^^ At that point you should already be able to have two bottles, so use that free dirty water to heal yourself!
NEW il y a 6 ans
yes, i had bought some water too but dirty water make the job. I have to search more as i have only one bottle. I missed something, thnaks for the spoil even i have to find now how to get this other bottle. I have the axe too but the more surprising is the difference of atack speed with other monsters with this one (the man with a sword at right hand). Other monsters are alot less quick. This one can attack sometimes 10 times before you can hit him...
Another thing. At knight point, as there is this nightmare monster, i had died alot and each time i had to pass the long dialog with the king (very interesting the both 2 first times but alot less after...). You could maybe add possibility to skip a dialog for people who hav already read it before dying... maybe with the B button (unused i think in dialog part)
NEW il y a 6 ans
Only background music is boring, right? So let's also add some sound effects!
Current sound effects:
NEW il y a 6 ans
Could you add the possibility to skip a dialog when you want it please Sorunome ?
NEW il y a 6 ans
Hmm i'm not sure that would be so easy, as the dialog engine parses character by character. Things like "end of page" are special control characters. And then what if the dialog ends with a question thing?
What would you use it for?
NEW il y a 6 ans
It's when you can't save before a long dialog (as for the king with the dopped speed monster). The dialog is long and when you have complete it one time with interess when you died 20 times before having time to reach the point to save, you need each time have to pass it but it's take time and it's boried to wait (you're already nervous because you don't know if you'll be able to reach the save point and you have to be patient ...).
I don't know yet if there are alot parts like that in the game but another example is when you search in the city. You could have to diag with the citizens to see if something has change with them. (The library for example or the fox'man). When you see that their dialog is same you could would to pass but it's less important because you just do it one time (you'll not died and you'll not have to do it again when you know it's not the key to continue your quest)
NEW il y a 6 ans
Nice ! (though the walking sound might be a little annoying in the long term, don't you think ?)