Controls: D-Pad: [Arrows / WASD] - A: [J] - B: [K] - Menu: [U] - Home: [I]
Enjoy games at full speed with sound and lights on the Gamebuino META!
Emulator by aoneill

UK This is a GB Meta port of my suckless, platform-independent Doom-like game Anarch, made with the help of a raycasting library (raycastlib) I've made and also showcased here on GB Meta some time ago.

The game is completely public domain free software, you can do absolutely anything with it. It is a small manifesto to some ideas I hold: if you wish to know more, visit the game's website at or the repo at You can also play the game in browser at

I am not so knowledgeable about lower level Gamebuino, so I think this port can be further imporved. If you could access the display directly, maybe you could get more performance and better rendering. Also I couldn't figure out a way to play the game's 8bit 8 kHz sounds, so I just play Gamebuino's sounds, maybe this could be fixed. If anyone skilled with Meta wants to pursue this task, just go ahead :)


  • arrows: movement
  • A: shoot, confirm
  • B: hold for strafing, cancel
  • menu + A/left, menu + B/right: switch weapons
  • menu + up: jump
  • menu + down: go to menu

FR Voici un portage Gamebuino Meta de mon jeu multi-plateformes de style Doom-like Anarch, réalisé à l'aide d'une librairie de raycasting (raycastlib) également présentée sur la Gamebuino Meta il y a quelques temps.

Le jeu entièrement libre de droits, vous pouvez en faire ce que vous voulez. Un petit manifeste est disponible si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur le site du jeu :, ou bien sur le git du projet : Vous pouvez également jouer au jeu directement dans votre navigateur à l'adresse suivante :