Armageddon Meta

By wuuff, 6 years ago

Controls: D-Pad: [Arrows / WASD] - A: [J] - B: [K] - Menu: [U] - Home: [I]
Enjoy games at full speed with sound and lights on the Gamebuino META!
Emulator by aoneill

You have been tasked with the defense of six cities from the incoming nuclear apocalypse. You have only two launchers to shoot down incoming missiles.  Survive as long as you can to delay the inevitable end of the world.

This was a game I made originally for the Gamebuino Classic, but I decided to make a port of it for the Meta to get familiar with the new libraries.  This new version is colorized and the Meta's LEDs light up whenever there's an explosion onscreen.

Please let me know what you think!