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Profitez des jeux à pleine vitesse avec son et lumières sur la Gamebuino META !
Emulateur par aoneill

Little snow Demo, uses also the Lights.


BUTTON_MENU = reset the Snow

BUTTON_A = 160x128, index

BUTTON_B= 80x64, index

BUTTON_UP = Temperature + 

BUTTON_DOWN = Temperature -



#define NUM_PARTICLES 1300
#define MAX_TTL 2000
#define MIN_TTL MAX_TTL/2
int particleCount = 0;

typedef struct { byte x; byte y; int ttl; byte color; } particle;

particle particles[NUM_PARTICLES]; int temperature = 1; byte snowSpeed = 1; void setup() { gb.begin(); gb.lights.clear(); randomSeed(analogRead(A2)); gb.display.init(160, 128, ColorMode::index); resetParticles(); }

void loop() { while (!gb.update()); gb.display.clear();

if (gb.buttons.pressed(BUTTON_A)) { gb.display.init(160, 128, ColorMode::index); }

if (gb.buttons.pressed(BUTTON_B)) { gb.display.init(80, 64, ColorMode::index); }

if (gb.buttons.pressed(BUTTON_MENU)) { resetParticles(); } if (gb.buttons.pressed(BUTTON_UP)) { if (temperature < 50) temperature++; } if (gb.buttons.pressed(BUTTON_DOWN)) { if (temperature > -50) temperature--; }

if (gb.buttons.pressed(BUTTON_LEFT)) { if (snowSpeed < 10) snowSpeed++; } if (gb.buttons.pressed(BUTTON_RIGHT)) { if (snowSpeed > 0) snowSpeed--; } if ((random(0, snowSpeed) + 1) == 1 && (10 - snowSpeed) != 0) createParticles();


updateParticles(); gb.display.print("T:"); gb.display.print(temperature); gb.display.println("C"); gb.display.print("S:"); gb.display.println(10 - snowSpeed); }

void resetParticles() { gb.display.clear(); gb.lights.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PARTICLES; i++) { particles[i].x = -1; particles[i].y = -1; } particleCount = 0; }

void createParticles() { if (particleCount < NUM_PARTICLES) { initParticles(particleCount); particleCount++; } }

void initParticles(int n) { if (n < NUM_PARTICLES) { particles[n].x = random(0, gb.display.width() - 1); particles[n].y = 1; particles[n].ttl = random(MIN_TTL, MAX_TTL); particles[n].color = 0; } }

void updateParticles() { for (int i = 0; i < particleCount; i++) { if (particles[i].y >= 0 && particles[i].y < gb.display.height() - 1) { if ((int)gb.display.getPixel(particles[i].x , particles[i].y + 1) == (int)BLACK) { particles[i].y++; } else { if (((int)gb.display.getPixel(particles[i].x - 1 , particles[i].y + 1) == (int)BLACK && (int)gb.display.getPixel(particles[i].x - 1 , particles[i].y) == (int)BLACK) && ((int)gb.display.getPixel(particles[i].x + 1 , particles[i].y + 1) == (int)BLACK && (int)gb.display.getPixel(particles[i].x + 1 , particles[i].y) == (int)BLACK)) { if (random(0, 2) >= 1) particles[i].x--; else particles[i].x++; } else { if ((int)gb.display.getPixel(particles[i].x - 1 , particles[i].y + 1) == (int)BLACK && (int)gb.display.getPixel(particles[i].x - 1 , particles[i].y) == (int)BLACK) { particles[i].x--; if (random(0, 2) >= 1) gb.lights.drawPixel(0, random(0, 5), WHITE); else gb.lights.drawPixel(0, random(0, 5), BLACK); } if ((int)gb.display.getPixel(particles[i].x + 1 , particles[i].y + 1) == (int)BLACK && (int)gb.display.getPixel(particles[i].x + 1 , particles[i].y) == (int)BLACK) { particles[i].x++; if (random(0, 2) >= 1) gb.lights.drawPixel(1, random(0, 5), WHITE); else gb.lights.drawPixel(1, random(0, 5), BLACK); } } } } if (particles[i].ttl > 0) { if (particles[i].ttl <= MAX_TTL) particles[i].ttl = particles[i].ttl - temperature; else { particles[i].ttl = MAX_TTL; particles[i].color = 0; }

  if (particles[i].ttl &lt; MAX_TTL / 4)
    particles[i].color = 3;
  else if (particles[i].ttl &lt; MAX_TTL / 3)
    particles[i].color = 2;
  else if (particles[i].ttl &lt; MAX_TTL / 2)
    particles[i].color = 1;
else {

if (particles[i].y &lt; 0 &amp;&amp; particles[i].y &gt; gb.display.height() - 1)

} }

void drawParticles() { for (int i = 0; i < particleCount; i++) { if (particles[i].x >= 0 && particles[i].y >= 0 && particles[i].x < gb.display.width() && particles[i].y < gb.display.height()) { if (particles[i].color == 0) gb.display.drawPixel(particles[i].x, particles[i].y, WHITE); if (particles[i].color == 1) gb.display.drawPixel(particles[i].x, particles[i].y, LIGHTBLUE); if (particles[i].color == 2) gb.display.drawPixel(particles[i].x, particles[i].y, BLUE); if (particles[i].color == 3) gb.display.drawPixel(particles[i].x, particles[i].y, DARKBLUE); } else { initParticles(i); } } }