Rockster -- a rhythm game for Meta!

Par archonik, il y a 6 ans

News: v0.2 is out now!

v0.2 Includes many bug fixes, improved color palette, better chord visibility and support for unlimited song length!

When I saw that Gamebuino Meta includes flashing LEDs I KNEW I had to make a music game for it!

This is a simple proof-of-concept for a music game similar to Guitar Hero or Rock Band but with a twist!

In Rockster you can upload your own tracks to the SD card to rock out! And it uses the LEDs to "simulate" concert lighting! It looks amazing!

Cover art and music previews are supported as well!

AND included with the game are 13 great commercial indie tracks used with permission from the authors! Give them a listen, they rock!

Unfortunately, due to lack of sound support, the game does not currently work on emulators. If you know how to compile it for Windows so people can enjoy it locally with emulated SD support, please get in touch!

A simple HTML track editor is included and full instructions are provided in the game's Github.

Please note that the game is currently just proof-of-concept with a lot of bugs and missing features. It will be improved upon and fixed-up soon, for instance Rockster is currently impossible to finish as tracks cut-off around 2:13 due to memory issues. (fixed!)