il y a 7 ans
So, what kinda languages do we need translations to?
Currently we have english and german, both provided by me. Drakker said he could do french. Anything else?
NEW il y a 7 ans
Hey, I think it's a bit early for translation because stuff is likely going to change... I can do the French too !
I guess Spanish would cover a lot of people as it the second most spoken language :
NEW il y a 7 ans
Yeah, i thought adding spanish would be a good idea.
As the gamebuino is selled in western cultures i'd concentrate on those, plus our charset has only latin characters ^^
NEW il y a 7 ans
You'd be suprised how many Japanese Gamebuino there is ;)
But yeah, latin characters ^^
NEW il y a 7 ans
I´m not sure portuguese is to bother. Most people using tech stuff, at least in brazil, will do so in english. I´m not sure about portugal though.
NEW il y a 7 ans
Mmh, but we do target mainstream people in the long run ^^
That why the less text and the more pictograms we use, the better.
NEW il y a 7 ans
i m portuguese so i vote portuguese and if need help in translation i can help
NEW il y a 7 ans
Hey thank you very much for your suggestion. We will wait a bit for the content to stabilize as things are going to move a lot in coming weeks, but then translation would be welcome!
NEW il y a 7 ans
yea I was about to say that, I might be able to do portugese/Brazilian too anyways
NEW il y a 7 ans
Hey guys, this is something we could really get translated: the Kickstarter video subtitles!
It's a 2 minute video so it should be pretty quick. We're going to Maker Faires in Spain, Germany and Italy, so it would be much appreciated! \o/
Here is the english version: english.txt
And of course, the video ;)