Meta Emulator



il y a 7 ans

Hi :),

when we create a Emulator for the Meta, which programming language would you prefer?

I like to do stuff in C# but this is not cross Platform compatible.

Cross Platform would be good with Python or Java, maybe html5.

I think its not that easy to be 100% compatible to the Hardware, but we can 100% compatible to the API which is used for the Meta.

With API compatibility we can use the Game Sourcecode and do the emulation with this.

This is a short start from me in C#, we can implement the whole Gamebuino API and then use the Source Code from a game to "emulate" it.


NEW il y a 7 ans

Great: can i say a dream: a complete dev tools who make interface with arduino dev tools, let you edit the code and simulate the result with a button or transfert to the META without having to open another program.

The good things is to have all in a place (sources, dev, github (for the ones who want) and maybe sharing results).

Yes, i know it's too early as you just begin the META Emulator. For the moment, good luck for this works and the interface seems good  ;)


NEW il y a 7 ans

Thanks :).

I created a Github repo:

A first good step will be to implement these

Here you can see a first test, I have created some small functions to draw to the Screen and read out the buttons.


NEW il y a 7 ans

Nice! Personally, I like developing in C# as well. A native emulator is awesome when developing a game. I like jicehel's ideas. I also like the idea of an html version so that people can try out games before downloading to their device. However, that's a different use case. 

I've heard Valden is thinking about writing an emulator. 

I'm also interested in creating an emulator. I've started down the path of emulating the hardware so that it actually runs the same binary program that the META does. I've reached the point where I can compile a simple blink program targeting the Arduino Zero and get it to run. Fingers crossed that I get some time this weekend to try and emulate drawing to a screen.


il y a 7 ans

Is there a source code for that, so that we can help you?


NEW il y a 7 ans

aoneill aoneill

Is there a source code for that, so that we can help you?


il y a 7 ans

Source is at Sorry if it doesn't make much sense yet with the lack of documentation. 

I'll play around with yours when I have some free time.


NEW il y a 7 ans

An emulator is a fantastic tool to have.

Most of the work I did on the classic was done on the emulator made by Myndale that had all of the registers visible as well as RAM.


NEW il y a 7 ans

ripper121 ripper121

Source is at Sorry if it doesn't make much sense yet with the lack of documentation. 

I'll play around with yours when I have some free time.


NEW il y a 7 ans

Found this : RaspiArduino ( )

Maybe with this it is possible to do a "fast dev" Emulation on a Raspberry PI.


And to add the Display emulation we only need to implement it into the piduino lib