il y a 7 ans
This is a Klondike solitaire game for the META. It includes two difficulties (turning one or three cards at a time) and the ability to undo moves.
NEW il y a 7 ans
Just one question : is it normal that you cannot drop a stack of several cards on an empty spot ? I'm not sure about the rules but someone was playing here, and got frustrated but that ^^
NEW il y a 7 ans
There are multiple rules, this one seems to be the one where you can only drop kings on an empty slot
NEW il y a 7 ans
yes i had same rule (only king in empty slot). But as Sorunome said (wrote) there is a tone of rules for this game. (Maybe an other option to add in choices ?)
NEW il y a 6 ans
King on an empty space is the same set of rules that Windows Solitaire uses. I didn't know there was any other rules for the game.
I also got to play it on the real hardware today. Easy to see on the small screen, which is extremely nice.