NEW il y a 6 ans
PS: Pense à faire une belle affiche/flyer aussi pour le jeu (au moins en tant qu'image) car Aurélien peut aussi en mettre dans ses diverses manifestations...
NEW il y a 6 ans
Le petit Square Nose ne peut échapper au docteur Meggan, qui l'attrape vigoureusement comme on attrape le dernier bout de saucisson sur un plateau apéritif. (fichier .bin mis à jour)
NEW il y a 6 ans
Take the source code of Square Nose Color, smell it, shake it, warp it as you wish and make a beautiful modification.
Show it here or send it to me by MP. You have two weeks (end of submission: wednesday the 17th of october 2018).
The best* one will win a t-shirt!
Other poeple could by them 20 € each + shipping cost.
You coud also compete on Arduboy (one t-shirt to win / console) with the black and white version of the game.
* "best" = depending on my personal obscure and unpredictable decision
NEW il y a 6 ans
Cool a JAM, i'll try to participate. Not sure as i'll be busy in the 3 next weeks but i'll try. Just to understand. The change have to be in the code, or can be graphics. You have to keep spirit of the game, or you can make a shoot them up with it ? It's just to see nature of change you would see to not make a out of subject change ;)
il y a 6 ans
Changes could be everything: graphics, sound, gameplay, story, etc. You just have to start from my code (or if you code from zero, be sure to do something clearely related to my game).
You could ask me how to modify some specific things if you are a little lost in my code and need help.
NEW il y a 6 ans
Changes could be everything: graphics, sound, gameplay, story, etc. You just have to start from my code (or if you code from zero, be sure to do something clearely related to my game).
You could ask me how to modify some specific things if you are a little lost in my code and need help.
NEW il y a 6 ans
OK, i'll have a look in it and next i'll have to find an cool idea but i'll try to find time and idea because i like the contest (and i like the goodies too ;) )
If i try and lost could you make a lost price with a draw on your drawpad ? :)
NEW il y a 6 ans
Great news! "Square Nose Color" is selected for the Show & Tell in IndieCade Europe, that will take place in Paris next week (19 and 20 of october 2018). People will be able to test the game on Gamebuino Meta and Arduboy with me during three hours: friday the 19th between 11h00 and 14h00. Related to my little Square Nose mod contest, if you create something fun, I could bring it to Paris and show it near to the original game (I have three Arduboy and the Gamebuino Meta has an SD card).
Who already knows that cool independant games festival?
NEW il y a 6 ans
I have had no time to advance yet... Maybe this weekend but really not sure...
NEW il y a 6 ans
IndieCade Europe was cool. People liked Gamebuino Meta and Arduboy. I played "What the golf", "The Game: The Game", "Hellink" and other good stuff. "Square Nose" was warmly welcomed. See you next year!
NEW il y a 5 ans
Nouvelle peinture aérosol et pochoir sur toile, 80x60 cm, avec les personnages de "Square Nose Color", actuellement à la MJC 25 de la Vallée à Chaville (92). Exposition personnelle de peintures en lien avec la soirée jeux vidéo rétro le vendredi 15 février. Ces sprites seront aussi utilisés dans un atelier pixel art à la Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, à Paris, dans l'e-LAB, le nouvel espace permanent dédié au jeu vidéo. Ouverture le 19 février 2019.