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Profitez des jeux à pleine vitesse avec son et lumières sur la Gamebuino META !
Emulateur par aoneill

Bumble Bots is a difficult puzzle action game. You control a bot which needs to find its way in sixteen small but increasingly more difficult levels. You need to collect pick ups, push boxes, fill gaps, use teleports and more while being chased by enemy bots or the clock.

The puzzles will challenge your problem solving skills and the action your reflexes and agility. Can you complete all levels?


  • Sixteen levels, with a lot of variation!
  • Isometric 3D views
  • Wave animations
  • Enemies
  • Pick-ups, boxes, teleports, and gaps
  • Tracking of level progress, hi-score and level hi-scores
  • Level selection menu
  • Sound and light effects 


  • Set a good hi-score (BEST score)
  • Complete all levels
  • Complete all levels in a single run (BEST level run)
  • Improve the hi-score for each level (BEST level sum)

Let me know how you get on! You can share an image of the end screen as proof.

See also

Derniers commentaires

il y a 2 ans

Thanks. It’s my first Gamebuino game so already quite old. However, I just thought I should resurrect the forum so that, should anyone manage to complete all levels, they have place to boast. :slight_smile:

il y a 2 ans

Yes and tutorial for a port from PICO-8 to META is good too. Alot of works on game and tutorial / port.

il y a 2 ans

A very beatiful game, congratulations.