Contrôles: Direction: [Flêches / ZQSD] - A: [J] - B: [K] - Menu: [U] - Home: [I]
Profitez des jeux à pleine vitesse avec son et lumières sur la Gamebuino META !
Emulateur par aoneill
1.0 - Made!
1.1 - Backspace fixed
1.2 - (Major Update!) Extremely responsive now!
1.3 - Changed shift being held down for some reason!?
1.4 - Added icon and titlescreen!!
1.5 - Cleaned it up like heck
1.6 - (Major Update!) Mouse Support!
1.7 - Fixed description
2.0 - L and R support
!!Coming soon - Better Keyboard, Controller Style Inputs, Internet Browsing Mode, Extra Button Support!!
I was watching the Arduboy trailer the other day (no reason of course!) when I saw that the Arduboy can act like a computer keyboard. I thought "hey, I wanna do that"
And sure as hell I did
So this is a controller, a keyboard and a mouse in one "game" - you toggle between them by following on screen instructions.
Compatibility - Every computer - including RPI and Mac! :)
This is slightly different to Paduino in that it acts like a computer keyboard rather than gamepad so download whichever suits your need! Also has mouse support,
Also I might add a dark theme to the keyboard cuz that's what people seem to like so look forward to that or whatever
SO buttons are as follows
D-Pad = WASD
A = j
B = k
L = 1
R = 2
Menu = left shift - this is because it will make it easier to switch to keyboard without misprinting and having letters all over your screen!!
This is nowhere near finished - to enter anything you have to press enter on the Gamebuino - this will be fixed
In the download I will include the Arduino sketch as I don't yet have Git so if you want to look at code use that
see here to add buttons: