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Profitez des jeux à pleine vitesse avec son et lumières sur la Gamebuino META !
Emulateur par aoneill

This is a Gamebuino Meta port from the Gamebuino classic version made by LADBsoft:

Compared to the classic version it features colors, animations, flashy LED stuff and a new menu.

The new mode orients itself on the new mode of the classic game which featured graphics made by Erico Patricio Monteiro. The classic mode orients itself on the classic mode of the LADBsoft version, which was originally drawn by Luis Alejandro Domínguez Bueno. Jicehel ported the classic version image, I solely adapted it a bit and added some animations. For the new mode I colorized Ericos images and added the animations as well. The LED lights are done by me as well, but the idea of the red/blue signal lights comes from Krabbo.

If you are interested in porting games on your own, parallel to making this port I started writing a tutorial (not finished yet, sorry!) over there:
It tries to cover many things relevant from moving on from the Acadamy knowledge to be a more independent developer, so check it out!

Firebuino! meta port version history:

v1.0 is completely playable in both "new" and "classic" mode, which have their own highscores. Possible future changes (if any) :

  • polishing of graphics (I and Krabbo were discussing the new version background image, which was a bit problematic on the META screen. If you experience problems with it, please post it here, so we can discuss adaptions).
  • please post bug reports if you experience anything out of the order!

Thanks to:

Steph (solving the const riddle), Sorunome (general support), Krabbo (his wish was my command, he made the icon as well), Jicehel (graphics for the classic part)