

WASHINGTON Slots & Casino Online — There was the time last winter when President Joe Biden was awakened at 3 a.m. while on a trip to Asia and told that a missile had struck Poland, touching off a panic that Russia might have expanded the war in Ukraine to a NATO ally. Within hours in the middle of the night, Biden consulted his top advisers, called the president of Poland and the NATO secretary-general, and gathered fellow world leaders to deal with the crisis. And then there was the time a few weeks ago when Biden was hosting children for Take Your Child to Work Day and became mixed up as he tried to list his grandchildren. “So, let me see. I got one in New York, two in Philadelphia — or is it three? No, three, because I got one granddaughter who is — I don’t know. You’re confusing me.” He also drew a blank when asked the last country he had visited and the name of a favorite movie. The two Joe Bidens coexist in the same octogenarian president: sharp and wise at critical moments, the product of decades of seasoning, able to rise to the occasion even in the dead of night to confront a dangerous world. Yet a little slower, a little softer, a little harder of hearing, a little more tentative in his walk, a little more prone to occasional lapses of memory in ways that feel familiar to anyone who has reached their ninth decade or has a parent who has. The complicated reality of America’s oldest president was encapsulated Thursday as Congress approved a bipartisan deal he brokered to avoid a national default. Even Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., testified that Biden had been “very professional, very smart, very tough” during their talks. Yet, just before the voting got underway, Biden tripped over a sandbag at the Air Force Academy commencement, plunging to the ground. The video went viral, his supporters cringed and his critics pounced. yahoo msn bing live mail

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