Cosmic Pods - Octopus from the Outer Space



6 years ago

Hello world !

I'm back with a small project. 

This time it's a port of a very simple game for Arduboy : CosmicPods.

It's a very simple shoot'm up but VERY interesting for noobs.

Code are very clear and very easy to understand.

So, i decided to port it on GB Meta. I add bitmaps, colors and rewrite collision function (PointRect and RectRect). It was a very pleasant exercice ! I learned many thing on "struct".

Despite his simplicity, it's a very good game, let's him a chance !

It's fully playable, but i think i will add more sounds and maybe some pixel art too.

Good game and don't forget : no Octopussy must pass !

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NEW 6 years ago

This does look like a fun game indeed! Maybe adding a highscore list or some sound effects can polish it some more? ^.^


NEW 6 years ago

Great job. will have to test that this evening  ;) and yes it's good idea to begin to adapt some of the good games of the arduboy because:

  • it's make some good games for the META first 
  • it's a good way to see structure of the programs and difficulty to resolve 

 - when you do it after someone, you take all his good ideas and you add yours so it's can be better than the original  ;)


NEW 6 years ago

I add icon, title, lights and highscore save.

I will try to create some sounds also.


NEW 6 years ago

yes, the gzme is good. Just a little problem for me with the collision. Sometimes you're near ennemies but you don't touch them but you explode. I'm not very good but the game is good. you could maybe increasse the size of the step when you move to be able to go more quickly up or down to be able to avoid better the ennemies or destroy  them. Else if you can add music and sfx, this game will be very complete and good


6 years ago

maybe they just shooted a bullet


6 years ago

looks the code and un-comment "hitbox" on drawplayer and drawennemy, you'll understand ! ;)  Actually sprites are smaller than hitbox.

PS : intolerable beeps added !! :D


NEW 6 years ago

jicehel jicehel

maybe they just shooted a bullet


NEW 6 years ago

jicehel jicehel

looks the code and un-comment "hitbox" on drawplayer and drawennemy, you'll understand ! ;)  Actually sprites are smaller than hitbox.

PS : intolerable beeps added !! :D


NEW 6 years ago

I work on sprites. I take time to draw  new biggers sprites. It was fun :p

I add a routine to randomize color of space octopus !

And Sorunome, you're right. Just with some beeeeeps, it's give some "life" to the game.


NEW 6 years ago

Oh yes, nicer. I like your new sprites  ;)   You could maybe change the one of the octopus shots to make them more visible (mainly you have shot some times, you could not see them alot. Maybe you could make them like ship shots but light blue to make like it was bubbles ?)


6 years ago

done ! i just add a small white cross in center.


NEW 6 years ago

jicehel jicehel

done ! i just add a small white cross in center.


NEW 6 years ago

The new updates looks great! The games does indeed feel way more alive now

EDIT: I just got 55 ^^


6 years ago

Here's come a new challenger !


NEW 6 years ago

Sorunome Sorunome

Here's come a new challenger !


NEW 6 years ago

Nice this game. I think it's autohrised but i prefer ask permission to make another version of it just with change of sprites with some i would for an idea i have... (Don't because sprites are not beautiful because i like them alot it's just to be in one of the thema that i like)


6 years ago

This is one of the reason i made this port, this game can be modified very easyli !

The original game is under BSD3 license. My port is under the same license, so the only restriction is to use the same license and "add" 3 lines in your readme, for exemple :

CosmicPods by cubic9com : Copyright (C) 2017, cubic9com All rights reserved

Gamebuino Meta port by geed : Copyright (C) 2018, geed All rights reserved

SpaceWurst variant by jicehel : Copyright (C) 2018, jicehel All rights reserved


NEW 6 years ago

jicehel jicehel

This is one of the reason i made this port, this game can be modified very easyli !

The original game is under BSD3 license. My port is under the same license, so the only restriction is to use the same license and "add" 3 lines in your readme, for exemple :

CosmicPods by cubic9com : Copyright (C) 2017, cubic9com All rights reserved

Gamebuino Meta port by geed : Copyright (C) 2018, geed All rights reserved

SpaceWurst variant by jicehel : Copyright (C) 2018, jicehel All rights reserved


NEW 6 years ago

Cool ;)  I will have fun making my conversion  ;)  I'll let you informed about progression


NEW 6 years ago

If you want do it yourself i have make the gfx

I hope that the sprites aren't too big and after have to add cool laser sounds too