GBMonsters are canceld. :(



6 years ago

I am really sorry to say that but I canceled my GBMonsters game because I don’t have the time to code it (I am working on a ‚Resaurant Simulator’ for the PC)

Also there is already a RPG game for the gamebuino so I see no point in makeing another game like this.


NEW 6 years ago

Why make a Final Fantasy if there is already a Dragon Quest, right ?

Well no ! Your RPG have as much his place if there is an other RPG in dev or not i would say.

I'm kind of beginner at making games but i know how it can be time consuming and it seems logical to have troubles if you work on a lot of differents projects. But don't say your possible game (even if i have no idea how it is) doesn't have his place. We all have different tastes so you never know what people may or not like.


NEW 6 years ago

I agree with @PanStyle.  I understand if you don't have time, but don't feel discouraged by another RPG. If your RPG is modeled after pokémon, then that actually makes it quite different from my RPG. One big appeal of pokémon games is collecting and discovering new pokémon, and my game has a very different focus than that. Even if they were similar, a lot of the fun of an RPG comes from the story and world, so that will obviously be unique to your game too.

That said, making an RPG is a lot of work. I tried very hard to keep mine simple so that I could finish it, but it still took months of me working on it in my free time. If you do end up finding time to work on GBMonsters in the future, try to start out simple.

Also, if you or anyone else is interested in making a pokémon-like game for the Gamebuino, there have been at least two previous attempts. You may have already read these old topics, but in case you or anyone else interested hasn't, I will link them here.

Buinomon was an attempt at a huge collaborative project, but nothing seems to have come of it. I personally think it got too ambitious, but there might still be some interested community members:

Futuromon was an actual playable demo where you can battle, catch, and collect futuromon. It's interesting, but somewhat buggy and unbalanced (and incomplete):


6 years ago

I found the anwser to creating pokemon games. Just distribute them on 2hex files! Once a player passes a very specyffic gate the game will save his progress and tell him to next time load the second hex file:)


NEW 6 years ago

wuuff wuuff

I found the anwser to creating pokemon games. Just distribute them on 2hex files! Once a player passes a very specyffic gate the game will save his progress and tell him to next time load the second hex file:)


NEW 6 years ago

I'm agree with all said upper: you can pause or stop dev or because you have not enough time, because yo uwant do something else or because you want change the goals. So for me you can look your works done and have a choice: or your work is bad and you hide all, or you have make alot works on the prog or on the data (monsters, maps,asw) and you can comment all and maybe make a readme file and share it with a text like: it's an open project you can continue it with my permission (something like that). If someone understand your work and think he can complete it, or can gain time with a part of your works (for sprites, monsters data, maps or anything else), maybe it's will help him enough to let him complete another great game and as all is open source maybe you'll find, some time to continue or part of code or something else in source to let you finish your own project later ;)