How can you implement multiple color pallets?



6 years ago

ie: Draw an indexed-color picture in RGB mode, but select which color pallet to use rather than use the 1.

That way you could draw pallet-swapped enemies using a single image.


NEW 6 years ago

I recently had the same question myself, and received a question in the Images discussion. You can change the palette before drawing using gb.display.colorIndex

In my own game I am now useng it for drawing the player and enemies using the same image: Movers.cpp#L224

This uses custom palettes which I defined here: Palettes.cpp


6 years ago

That's actually an easy solution, thank you.

Aurélien Rodot

NEW 6 years ago

I just opened a ticket about this question >>>


NEW 6 years ago

eriban eriban

That's actually an easy solution, thank you.