6 years ago
Another game of Yoda ported on META: PAQMAN - of course it's a Pacman clone . Have fun with it and if you have any idea or part of code to perfect it, say it.
NEW 6 years ago
J'ai ajouté le son des pacgommes mais si quelqu'un qui maitrise les sons pouvait ajouter les sons (proche de l'original) pour pacman qui mange un fantome ou pour un fantome qui mange pacman. Pareil pour les sons de 'background' ou la musique.
Merci par avance
I have add dot and pacgomme sounds but if someone are good with sounds. Please can you help me to add background sound (you can heard it in youtube with a pacman record), sound for pacman eating ghost and to add music (will be optional if it's works fine).
Thanks for this
NEW 6 years ago
No sound artist free to help for ambiance and help to create missing sounds ?
Any idea to adjust size of the labyrinthe to let him fill the screen without going outside ? i think that we could do a system of scrolling as for the y axis but is it agood idea as near all is visible on the screen ? send your comments / idea / codes / sounds or changes propositions ?
NEW 6 years ago
I have update a new version with wav files. I have try 44 KHz, I have try mon, stereo, 8bit wa files, i never success to play the wav files.
It's really easy to play wav in the references but i never success to play one so there is something i don't make fine but i don't know what...
NEW 6 years ago
No body know how i could modify my source to be able to play the wav. If the wav aren't in good format, what i have to change. I have test 8bits 44K, 8bits 22K, ... It seems so easy that i don't like be unable to use them ... :( I'm sure that it's my fault, that i make an error somewhere but of course i don't see where, else the music would have already working (sorry for my poor english level again ...)
NEW 6 years ago
How are you converting them ? I suggest using ffmpeg, as explained here : https://gamebuino.com/index.php/community/topic/wavplayer-v1-1-update#c1128
And if you're not use to line-command tools, I guess you can find applications with a GUI.
6 years ago
OK, you're right it was well a problem of sound conversion. I have make a batch with the ffmpeg parameters and now it's works fine.
I'll works a few on sounds, i have take the highscore.ino of Aurélien's UFO race. It's really easy to use. I have had no time yesterday to do changes but i think i'll be able to do them this evening.
After, i'll have a look of the system of camera and see how i can add it in the current prog.
To terminate i'll had a system menu with play, show highscore, credits. If i had a music, i could add an option item too to activate or desactivate it, but i'm not sure i'll do as it's will maybe make alot of sound as i would already add background sound system that yoda had implemented to identify with sound if you're in normal mode or chase for example. Else i could play background as a loop music and change it when mode change... It's for later in all cases i'll first terminate to add and adjust sounds in this game, and the camera system as it's really basic techincs that i need for alot of games.
Thanks all for your help, i'll try to respond others after i have integrated all the little things to know to make cool games. I hope that my researchs help some others too ;)
NEW 6 years ago
Thanks, i'll try that this evening if i can (i have to create 10 wands for a dance show for this weekend...)
I hope that it's the problem .
NEW 6 years ago
Testé et approuvé !
Par contre, l'affichage semble "décalé" vers la droite et qlq pixels, c'est moi ou c'est normal ?
NEW 6 years ago
Non, non c'est normal. c'est la conversion de la version de Yoda. Je me suis dit que j'allais arranger ça mais ce n'est pas aussi facile que je l'aurais espérer car ça demande un peu d'adaptation. C'était ma question précédente. Est-ce que j'essaye de faire tenir d'une manière ou d'une autre ou est-ce que je mets en place un scrolling mais c'est peut intéressant vu le peut de points qu'il manque.
Sinon, il faudrait que je vois pour passer en 128 point de large et là, plus de problème non plus... If faudra que je recherche mais Sorunome a expliqué ça quelque part. Il faut juste que je retrouve (et accessoirement que je comprenne et que j'arrive à le faire mais ce sera intéressant, je pourrais m'en resservir pour d'autres jeux comme je trouve que c'est anormal par exemple que l'on ait pas encore codé un bon vieux Galaxian... On devrait en faire un et l'envoyer à l'idole de ma jeunesse Marcus (le mec qui travaillait dans Tilt si je me souviens bien, journal sur les jeux que les vieux comme moi doivent connaitre ;) )
NEW 6 years ago
Fun game of pacman paqman! Maybe you want to add some camera scrolling, though:
NEW 6 years ago
Sorunome, i don't have use yet camera scroll. Have you a link for that. I don't have seen it on images tuto. You should have already explain it somethere so i'm sorry to ask it again but if you can explain me how to do it, i'll take ;)
6 years ago
The idea is pretty simple: draw functions take x
and y
coordinates, so just offset by some cameraX
and cameraY
, so where you were using x
replace that with x - cameraX
and where you were using y
with y - cameraY
, then changing cameraX
and cameraY
changes the view you have. This doesn't really have anything to do with the images which is why i didn't add it there
Aurélien Rodot
6 years ago
You can check out the source code of UFO-Race that illustrates what Sorunome was saying :)
NEW 6 years ago
The idea is pretty simple: draw functions take x
and y
coordinates, so just offset by some cameraX
and cameraY
, so where you were using x
replace that with x - cameraX
and where you were using y
with y - cameraY
, then changing cameraX
and cameraY
changes the view you have. This doesn't really have anything to do with the images which is why i didn't add it there
NEW 6 years ago
You can check out the source code of UFO-Race that illustrates what Sorunome was saying :)
NEW 6 years ago
OK, you're right it was well a problem of sound conversion. I have make a batch with the ffmpeg parameters and now it's works fine.
I'll works a few on sounds, i have take the highscore.ino of Aurélien's UFO race. It's really easy to use. I have had no time yesterday to do changes but i think i'll be able to do them this evening.
After, i'll have a look of the system of camera and see how i can add it in the current prog.
To terminate i'll had a system menu with play, show highscore, credits. If i had a music, i could add an option item too to activate or desactivate it, but i'm not sure i'll do as it's will maybe make alot of sound as i would already add background sound system that yoda had implemented to identify with sound if you're in normal mode or chase for example. Else i could play background as a loop music and change it when mode change... It's for later in all cases i'll first terminate to add and adjust sounds in this game, and the camera system as it's really basic techincs that i need for alot of games.
Thanks all for your help, i'll try to respond others after i have integrated all the little things to know to make cool games. I hope that my researchs help some others too ;)
NEW 6 years ago
Yes, thanks Aurélien. I had no time yesterday so i can't have analyse how i could implement camera system but i already took your highscore system ;) The sound problem to play wav is terminated with deeph link of the solution (ffmpeg parameters)
NEW 6 years ago
Version updated to show highscore saved (thanks to Rodot's UFO highscores code, just adapted for my use ;) )
Working sounds added as wav.
No time atm to implemant the 'camera / scrolling' part but i do as soon as i can ;)