6 years ago
A HUGE THANK YOU to the 757 backers who funded the Gamebuino. 200% of the goal reached for a whooping €66,337 raised. Wow.
We already ordered all the components this week, so manufacturing should start in January. We expect to ship your perks in January/February.
You've heard enough from me already, so let's listen to the Gamebuinians.
> Reaching this point was a lot of fun. I am very happy that so many people backed us and I am excited to see what stuff the community will come up with and where the future will lead us. – Sorunome
> The trip was a long one, but with Aurélien at the helm, we made it. It was one amazing adventure I was glad to be part of. When I got my hands on the prototype I knew I was holding something special. The Gamebuino Meta will help push the DIY open source console scene forward and I can't wait to see what amazing projects the Meta-Gamebuinians will come up with. – Drakker
> I was one of the lucky people to get an early device and so far it has been a lot of fun programming a platformer for the device. The hardware is great and there are lots of possibilities with the extensive API. I cannot wait for the public to get theirs to play and I look forward to see what other devs make for it! – Siegfried Croes
We already have real games in the works! Cats & Coins by Siegfried Croes
> La fin du Kickstarter mais le début d'une nouvelle grande aventure. Avec une Team Gamebuino, plus unie et motivée que jamais. Et ça, grâce au soutien de nos 757 contributeurs. Un immense merci à chacun d'entre vous ! – Sandra
Merry Christmas Gamebuinians,
NEW 6 years ago
This is awesome news! I swear though when I pledged it said I was like backer #894 or something. How will the shipping process work? Will we receive an email for giving our shipping info?
NEW 6 years ago
If it works anything like the Classic, then your shipping info will be based on your kickstarter information.
NEW 6 years ago
(By the way, Rodot can You tell me the name of the song from the YouTube video for the Gamebuino Classic?)
NEW 6 years ago
Hey, you'll receive a form by email to fill in your address :)
NEW 6 years ago
Just do you know "when" cause im a bit worried about this, i paid like a week ago and i have no news for this email ^^'
AND i hope you the best for your project !
Aurélien Rodot
6 years ago
Just like you, we can't wait - that's why we work around to clock to get production up and running, while ensuring the due quality for a product Made in France.
A the moment, we estimate that orders passed on kickstarter.com should be shipped on February, and the ones passed on shop.gamebuino.com starting in Mars.
To know what's going on, you should subscribe to the newsletter or social networks ;) (links at the bottom of the page)
NEW 6 years ago
Just like you, we can't wait - that's why we work around to clock to get production up and running, while ensuring the due quality for a product Made in France.
A the moment, we estimate that orders passed on kickstarter.com should be shipped on February, and the ones passed on shop.gamebuino.com starting in Mars.
To know what's going on, you should subscribe to the newsletter or social networks ;) (links at the bottom of the page)
NEW 6 years ago
A the moment, we estimate that orders passed on kickstarter.com should be shipped on February, and the ones passed on shop.gamebuino.com starting in Mars.
It seems Gamebuino'll be the first product made off world then :P
I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself.
NEW 6 years ago
Well, we keep saying we ship worldwide and beyond, so I won't blame you.