7 years ago
I'm making some laser-cut wood stickers to throw in with the Gamebuino and to give away on the Maker Faire. What do you think ? Suggestions ?
Red is cut (so you see through) and black is engraved.
NEW 7 years ago
Mmmh maybe but I like the minimalist look of it, I'll try to see what it looks like
NEW 7 years ago
They are all great in my book. I guess the physical results is what is to be judged.
NEW 7 years ago
Thanks! I knew it would be a bit hard to visualize from the black and red lines ;)
NEW 7 years ago
I think I like the gamebuino condensator logo most, but they look all great! ^.^
NEW 7 years ago
Yeah, also one pixelated and maybe one with the lines depicting a 3d gamebuino...something a little bit of the flat.