World of Mock



7 years ago

Here is a set of mockups where I plan to develop and release assets for one to make it happen.
There is a possibility I will try code the more simple ones. 

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NEW 7 years ago

Is this EPIC MINI GAMES typa thing? :)

(I don’t know have I wrote the „typa thing” right)


NEW 7 years ago

Hehe, almost, these are a set of assets I created in hope to create games for the release date. I´m very noob at coding C so I will probably start with the café game, but I want to invite coders around here to work on the other mocks too. The plan is that each is a single game on its own and of course the coder gets to twist it the way he thinks better. ;)

Aurélien Rodot

NEW 7 years ago

@erico Where are the GIFs?! Show us your GIFs :D


NEW 7 years ago

Oh yes, here the animated gifs. They all have been created with coding in mind, so the layout has space for overlays and things tile nicely, even the 3d one. ;)


NEW 7 years ago

And here a few more, non animated ones. I´m particularly found of the Joust. :)


NEW 7 years ago

In one world "WOW"

(If gamebuino meta was released in 1991 then I would say this: "GAMEBUINO DOES WHAT ARDUBOY DON'T" If you don't get it than in the early 90's Sega's comercials where always saying this sentece: "SEGA DOES WHAT NINTEDON'T!" That's the point of this joke :) )


NEW 7 years ago

I'm still amazed at how you managed to make the cowboy in your burger game look so good with so few pixels.


NEW 7 years ago

But thoes 3D graphics in the racing game WOW!


NEW 7 years ago

Hmmmmm now that I know these are just mockups, I will wait and see if that 3D is actually possible...

I really like the 80x64 pixel art 2D though.


NEW 7 years ago

Cool Double Dragon seems extra  ;)  the use of the sprites / colors is very good  ;)  I hope what i'll have fun with my meta with these games. Seems in good way. Continue to hard coding alot of good game and let the more easy for us to learn / share  ;)


NEW 7 years ago

i also really love the 3d racers.  i've done some 3d stuff for the bitbox, but nothing as involved as the racers.  also the bitbox has a bit more oompah, but we can do things differently for the gamebuino.

favorite part is the other racer falling off the edge after the jump.


NEW 7 years ago

It's true: 3d racers is a vey good code. It's on this type of program that you see that the man who done it as alot experience.


NEW 6 years ago

I hope to see this games soon. Some seems to be very fun and could be so cool add the the games library of the META. I dream of the bike race or the double dragon fighting game. I imagine the fun with the pinball... 


NEW 6 years ago

Maybe the snake one could be one of the first game that i will code to show up the use of my future networking library ( your mockup shows two snakes )


NEW 6 years ago

Very nice @ddrmax!
Double Dragon is probably the least possible I guess because it would require a lot of art work. The Shufflepuck and Snake are the more easier ones..