Controls: D-Pad: [Arrows / WASD] - A: [J] - B: [K] - Menu: [U] - Home: [I]
Enjoy games at full speed with sound and lights on the Gamebuino META!
Emulator by aoneill

Hi everyone !

This is my very first game for Gamebuino ! It's not complete yet, I will add some juicy effects, musics and score saves.

This is the main reason why I don't put the source code now (I will optimise it and publish it later ^^').

That's all for me, I hope you'll enjoy !

Purpose and Command list :

-You have to catch the coming colored sticks with the square, using the right color (and maybe do the best score !)

-UP : purple

-DOWN : gray

-RIGHT : yellow

-LEFT : blue

-A : green

-B : red