Controls: D-Pad: [Arrows / WASD] - A: [J] - B: [K] - Menu: [U] - Home: [I]
Enjoy games at full speed with sound and lights on the Gamebuino META!
Emulator by aoneill


More Fighters, more Features, more Fun!

In this second version, you can select your own fighters. Each Fighter has his own stats: power, speed, life... Choose your champion wisely!

Enjoy and feel free to give me some feedback!


Plus de Combatants, plus de Choix, plus de Fun!

Dans cette seconde version, tu peux sélectionner ton combatant. Et chacun d'entre eux a ses propres stats: puissance, vitesse, points de vie... Choisis ton champion consciencieusement!

Amuse-toi bien, et n'hésites pas a me faire un retour!
